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## Third Classification: Gandhaanga Praroopana
[271] Their state is inferior to Antarmukhoorta and superior to the first category of the excellent. If they die and go to hell, they go to the fifth earth. They have ten lakh Jaatikulkodi.
**Question:** Gautam! What is the Yonisangraha of the quadruped terrestrial five-sense Tiryaakyonika?
**Answer:** Gautam! Their Yonisangraha is of two types, namely Jarayuja (Potaj) and Sammoochhima. Jarayuja are of three types, namely female, male, and eunuch. Those who are Sammoochhima are all eunuchs.
**Question:** O Bhagavan! How many Leshya are said for those beings?
**Answer:** Gautam! It should be said like all the Khechara. The special feature is that their state is inferior to Antarmukhoorta and superior to three Palyopama. If they die and go to hell, they go to the fourth hell earth. They have ten lakh Jaatikulkodi.
**Question:** Gautam! What is the Yonisangraha of the aquatic five-sense Tiryaakyonika?
**Answer:** Gautam! It should be said like the Bhujparisho. The special feature is that if they die and go to hell, they go to the seventh earth. They have twelve and a half lakh Jaatikulkodi.
**Question:** O Bhagavan! How many Jaatikulkodi are said for the four-sense beings?
**Answer:** Gautam! Nine lakh Jaatikulkodi are said.
**Question:** O Bhagavan! How many Jaatikulkodi are said for the three-sense beings?
**Answer:** Gautam! Eight lakh Jaatikulkodi are said.
**Question:** O Bhagavan! How many Jaatikulkodi are said for the two-sense beings?
**Answer:** Gautam! Seven lakh Jaatikulkodi are said.
**Discussion:** All other statements are established by the text. Only the Yonisangraha of the quadruped terrestrial five-sense Tiryaakyonika is said to be of two types, namely Potaj and Sammoochhima. Here, in Potaj, all the Jarayuja or Ajarayuja Garbhaja beings, other than the egg-born, are included. Therefore, two types of Yonisangraha are said. Otherwise, cow etc. are Jarayuja and snake etc. are egg-born - these two types and one Sammoochhima, thus three types of Yonisangraha are said. But here only two types are said, therefore, in Potaj, all Jarayuja and Ajarayuja Garbhaja should be understood.
Up to this point, the statement of Jaatikulkodi of Yoni-jatiya was made. Now, the opportunity for different jatiya has arrived, therefore, the Praroopana of different jatiya Gandhaanga is done.
**Gandhaanga Praroopana 98:**
**Question:** O Bhanta! What is the Gandha Panna?
**Answer:** O Bhanta! What is the Gandhasaya Panna?
**Answer:** Gautam! The Gandha and Gandhasaya Panna are seven.
**Question:** O Bhanta! How many Pushpajaatikulkodi Joonipa-muha-sayasahassa are there?
**Answer:** Gautam! Sixteen Pushpajaatikulkodi Joonipa-muha-sayasahassa are there, namely four Jalayaana, four Thalayaana, four Maharakhkiyaana, and four Mahaguummiyaana. But those who are Ajar...