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## 208] Gautama, the *Jobajovaabhigamsutra* states that there are three types of *valayas* (rings): *Ghano-udadhi-valaya*, *Dhana-vat-valaya*, and *Tanu-vat-valaya*. O Bhagavan, how many types of *charamanta* (extremities) are there in the southern direction of the *Ratna-prabha* earth? Gautama, there are three types of *charamanta*, namely *Ghano-udadhi-valaya*, *Dhana-vat-valaya*, and *Tanu-vat-valaya*. Similarly, one should describe the *charamanta* of the northern direction. Similarly, one should describe the types of *charamanta* in all directions up to the northern *charamanta* of all the seven earths.
**Discussion:** This *sutra* explains how far the *aloka* (light) is from the *charamanta* of the hellish earths. The *aloka* is twelve *yojanas* away from the *charamanta* of the eastern direction of the *Ratna-prabha* earth. In other words, there is a distance of twelve *yojanas* between the *charamanta* of the eastern direction of the *Ratna-prabha* earth and the *aloka*. Similarly, the *aloka* is twelve *yojanas* away from the *charamanta* of the south, west, and north directions of the *Ratna-prabha* earth. Here, the direction is a sign, therefore, the *aloka* is twelve *yojanas* away from the *charamanta* of all four directions, and there is a distance between them. The *aloka* is thirteen *yojanas* minus one-third from the *charamanta* of all directions and sub-directions of the *Sharkara-prabha* earth. In other words, there is such a distance between the *charamanta* and the *aloka*. The *aloka* is thirteen *yojanas* (complete thirteen *yojanas*) including the aforementioned one-third from the *charamanta* of all directions and sub-directions of the *Baluka-prabha* earth. There is such a distance between them. There is a distance of fourteen *yojanas* between the *Pank-prabha* and the *aloka*. There is a distance of fifteen *yojanas* minus one-third between the *Dhuma-prabha* and the *aloka*. There is a distance of fifteen *yojanas* including the aforementioned one-third between the *Tama-prabha* and the *aloka*. There is a distance of sixteen *yojanas* between the *charamanta* of the seventh earth from below and the *aloka*. After explaining this distance, the question is asked whether these distances are in the form of space or whether *Ghano-udadhi* etc. are present in them? The answer is that these distances are filled with *Ghano-udadhi*, *Ghanavat*, and *Tanuvat*. Here, these *Ghano-udadhi* etc. are ring-shaped, therefore, they are called *Ghano-udadhi-valaya*, *Dhana-vat-valaya*, and *Tanu-vat-valaya*. The outer extent of *Ghano-udadhi* etc. mentioned earlier below all the hellish earths is of their middle part. After that, due to the loss of area, they become thinner and thinner, reaching their respective earths, and remain encircling their respective earths in a ring-shaped manner, therefore, they are called *valayas*. The height of these *valayas* is the same everywhere according to their respective earths. The horizontal outer extent will be explained later. Here, only the division of distances is explained. The horizontal outer extent of the *Ghano-udadhi-valaya* is 76.
**(1)** O Bhagavan, what is the outer extent of the *Ghano-udadhi-valaya* of the *Ratna-prabha* earth? Gautama, it is six *yojanas*. What is the outer extent of the *Ghano-udadhi-valaya* of the *Sharkara-prabha* earth?