44. Construe: safariz m e fang gidy JSTET: FEET: HTTUKT: mint संयाते भेरीणां जयनिनदानिव कुर्वन्तः किल रेजुः. Here the word मुकुलेषु (buds) require the mention of some creeper; by context armat (Jasmine creeper) has to be supplied here. As it is omitted, there arises the fault igenoa.
45. This stz. describes king facity as he wandered in the forest after the cow afecraft to protect her. Here the myntata arises according to our author as the word 39eHT: has to be supplied from outside to complete the sense.
___45, I. 1. अन्यपदनिक्षेपात, as another word (उपलक्ष्यमाण in the present case) has to be supplied ( lit. thrown in )from outside.
46. When the words or meanings are repeated without any difference in or addition to the meaning of the verse as a whole, the fault is called garat or redundent.
47. The repetition of गर्जन्ति four times is an instance of पठितस्य शब्दस्य पुन: gati 98771 and of #91:57ati, qiftaret: and 2 : that of aforet peter ga: gat: 9574
48. Description of king my. For the context see stz. 45 above. $157, a hollow bamboo rattling or whistling when the wind passes through it. 310917 gratis, in a manner in which the purpose of the bamboo is served.
48, 1. 2. 91 and , when the sentence would have been significant; when the sentence would have conveyed the appropriate meaning. मारुतपूर्ण etc. As the attributive words मारुतपूर्णरन्धैः and कूजद्भिः are again added without any difference in the meaning; for, a citam by itself means a bamboo having a hole and making noise when the wind passes through it, as explained in the archite quoted in the text.
49. This describes the great joy experienced by fast as he kissed his son रधु. मल्लिनाथ reads गुरुः प्रहर्षः प्रबभूव नात्मनि. But oचात्मनि is the reading of वल्लभ and the Mss. B1, C, K, I, P, R. collated by Nandargikar. Fa:...ofgat, when the sense of the sentence would have been complete by saying joy greatly predominated or prevailed over him.' Taifa StougatureTÈNT:, due to the mention (341679 ) of the two attributive words ( to show the greatness of joy ) viz. गुरु and प्र in प्रहर्ष.
50. oor a self-contradictory sentence or a composition (1974) is one in which the latter portion is in conflict (Teri) with the earlier portion by conveying contradictory sense. पूर्वात् पूर्वात् पराहतं i.e. पूर्वात्पूर्वात् वस्तुनः अपरं अपरं वस्तु पराहतं. This definition closely resembles the one given in काव्यादर्श, ३.१३३-एकवाक्ये प्रबन्धे वा पूर्वापरपराहम् । विरुद्धार्थतया व्यर्थमिति दोषेषु पठ्यते ।
51. Supply तं प्रति before को दधेत् समरे खॉ, and तेन सह before को वीरो Tuftegla. Tr.-What warrior would wield a sword in battle against him or desire war with one who has vanquished his enemies and has conquered the earth? The second half suggests that the particular hero described has no enemies while the first half states that he had enemies whom he has conquered. The illustration given in the progref of this fault is better as it clearly brings out the gatetuetenca
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