Nirvana--Nirvāņa or Liberation; a way bodies of II, 76; bodies formed by II,
of attaining I, 6; salutation to the 78; kinds of bodies formed by II, 79. path of II, 107; in the same birth Přthaktva-Separateness; defined II, 14. women cannot attain III, 24 *7-14, Pradeśa-Space-point; predicated of diffeinfatuation as a hindrance to III, 39; rent substances II, 43; defined and its attainment of III, 59-60.
scope II, 48. Pañca-parameşthin-The five dignitaries; Pramadā-A lady; why a woman is enumerated and saluted I, 4.
called III, 24 *8. Paramānu--A primary atom; a measure Pravacanasāra—The essence of the doc
of space-point II, 45; nature of and 1 trine viz., nija-paramātman III, 75. the aggregates formed by II, 71; process, Pravrajya-dāyaka-A preceptor who iniwith illustration, of aggregates formed tiates a monk in the order; defined by II, 72-74.
III, 10. Para-samaya--A heretic creed; para- Prāna-Life-essential; four kinds of II,
samayika, a follower of the heretic 1 54; Ten further subdivisions of II, 54 creed; defined II, 1-2, 6:
*3; material nature of II, 55; Karmic Parigraha---Attachment for parapherna- bondage consequent on the harm unto
lia; defined III, 17 *2; bondage caused II, 57. by III, 19; self-realisation endangered Bandha-Bondage of karmas; its possibiby III, 21; hindrances due to III, 20 l ity I, 84; of soul and matter illustrated *3-5, 39; acceptable type of III, 23, I1, 81-82, 85, 86; the doctrine of II, 25; see also mamatva.
87; discussed in detail II, 95-97; Paryāya--Modification; subjected to ori- himsā as a cause of III, 17.
gination and destruction I, 18; modi- Bhavya-A liberable being; nature of fications of all substances, both present I, 62. and absent, reflected in knowledge I, Mamatva--Sense of ownership, notion of 37; absent par yāya defined I, 38; mineness; mundane circuit caused by qualities associated with II, 1; a sub- II, 58; renunciation of II, 98-99, 108. stance endowed with II, 9; substance III, 15; not even for body III, 28. as the substratum of II, 18; as the Mürcchū--Infatuation, excessive attachground of seven-fold predication II, ment III, 39; see also parigraha.
23; defined II, 60; illustrated II, 61. Mürta-Concrete; defined II, 39; see Paryāyarthika (-naya) - Modificational also guņa.
view-point; difference established by Mülaguna--Primary virtue; twentyeight II, 22.
enumerated III, 8-9. Pāpa-Demerit; defined II, 89. III, 58; Moha-Delusion or Infatuation; destrucsee also punya.
tion of I, 80, 86, 88-89. II, 102; dePunya—Merit; really not to be distin- fined 1, 83; as a cause of bondage I,
guished from pāpa (so far as the 84; characteristics of I, 85. attainment of Nirvana is considered) Mokşa-Liberation; see Nirvāņa. 1, 77; defined II, 89.
Rāga-Attachment; as a hindrance to Pudgala–Matter; its qualities I, 56. II, the realisation of spiritual purity I, 81;
40; sound as a form of II, 40; space- as a source of infatuation I, 83; as a points of II, 43; forms and constituents cause of bondage 1, 84, II, 87; two of II, 69; the physical world full with kinds of II, 88; illustration of the fruit
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