Căritra--equated with dharma and sama Jñeya-The object of knowledge; coI, 7.
extensive with knowledge I, 23; scope Cetanā--Sentiency or consciousness; defi- of I, 23; reflected in and grasped com
nition of and three kinds of II, 31-32; pletely by Jina 1, 29; its relation with see also ātman and jīva.
jñāna illustrated I, 28. Chadmastha-One who has not attained Tapas --Penance, austerity; in the form
omniscience; fruit of following III, 56. of fast III, 27. Cheda-Default (in the practice of pri- Taijasika (-śarīra)-The electric body II, 79.
mary virtues); and Chedopasthāpaka is Trasa (-kāya)-Movable body (or being) that monk who stands in need of re- that possesses more than one sense II, 90. establishment in the correct behaviour Deva-A god, a resident of heavens; after he has committed a default III, nature of his happiness I, 71, 73-75. 9; antidotal procedure against III, Dravya-Substance; defined I, 49. II, 3; 11-12; guarding against III, 13, 22.
infinite number of and infinite modiJiya-Soul or the sentient principle; non- fications of I, 49; as made up of quali
concrete nature of I, 55; as one that ties II, 1; nature of II, 4; differentia develops happiness I, 65-66; its di- of II, 5-6; origination etc. associated fference and non-difference in different with the condition of II, 7; orgination births explained II, 20-21; nature of etc. intimately & simultaneously united II, 35; space-points of II, 43; as a with II, 10; existential character of and knower endowed with four life-essen- immunity from modificational disturtials II, 53; incurrance of karmas by bance II, 11; its relation with qualities II, 56; modifications of II, 61; descrip- and modifications II, 12; sattā as the tion of II, 80, illustration of the karmic characteristic of II, 13, 17-18; positive bondage of II, 82, 84; bondage resul- and negative aspects of II, 19; two ting from the passional vibrations of kinds of II, 35; concrete and nonII, 83-84; embodiment distinct from concrete qualities of II, 38; spaceII, 90; conditions of material substa- points of II, 49; three-fold nature of nces not caused by II, 92; discussion II, 62. about the reception of karmas by II, Dravyârthika (-naya-Substantial view23; see also ātman and cetanā.
point; non-difference established by Jñāna-Knowledge; coextensive with the II, 22.
self and the objects of knowledge Dveşa-Aversion (Pk. form dosa); see I, 23; all-pervasiveness of I, 23; the rāga with which it is generally coupled. self identical with I, 27; its relation Dharma--equated with cāritra and sama with jñeya indicated with an illustra- I, 7; the soul considered as I, 8; a tion I, 28; its enlightenment of objects designation of śramana I, 92. illustrated I, 30; equated with the Dharma-The principle or fulcrum of understanding of the sacred text I, motion, property of ni, 41; space34; equated with the knower I, 35; points of II, 43. equated with the soul I, 36; two kinds | Dhyātā-A meditator; qualifications of of I, 53; its being pratyakşa I, 54; II, 104. pratyakşa-.and parokşa-, distinguished Niryāpaka-An ascetic who establishes and defined I, 58; karmas instantane- a defaulter-monk in the correct behaously destroyed through III, 38.
viour; defined III, 10.
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