Contribution of Acarya Amritchandrasuri to Jain Philosophy
- Dr. Kokila H.Shah Hon. Prof. K.J. Somaiya Centre
for Studies in Jainism Acharya Amritchandra probably belongs to the 10th century A.D. He was a great scholar of Digambar Sect, who lived on the highest spiritual level of Niscayanaya.
He has written commentaries on the works of Acarya Kundakunda of which Samaysar, Tika-known as atmakhyati is remarkable. Besides there commentaries, his two independent works are:
I. Purusharthasiddhyiupaya-a work on the life of householder.
II. Laghutattvasphota-It embodies the exposition of Jain Doctrines. All his works are in Sanskrit and are full of spiritualism of high order.
Amritchandra has contributed to the spiritual tradition of Kundakunda by writing commnetries on Samaysara, Pravachansara and Panchastikaya; the theoretical tradition of Umaswami by writing Tattvarthsara and Samanatabhadras tradition of writing on Sravakacara by writing Purusharthasiddhyupaya. His uniqueness consists in treating Samaysar as a drama.
The present paper attempts to highlight the mystical elements depicted in his works. The focus is on the nature of non-violence which has been very realistically depicted in his original work. I have tried to bring about its spiritual implication for self-realization.
The importance of the concept of Jina needs to be understood. The uniqueness of Amritchandra is in emphasizing Suddha Upyqga, which is reflected in all his works and his fascination of Omniscient Being-Jina who expounds the true doctrine. His concepts of Supremacy of Darshana according to the pure standpoint, integration of knowledge and action etc are also remarkable. It can pave the way for further research on the philosophy of consciousness. Undoubtedly his contribution to Indian Philosophy in general and Jain Philosophy in particular is invaluable. 30/भारतीय दर्शन को जैन दार्शनिकों का अवदान
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