Y3 = Tanjore 10234. Nandināgarī palm-leaf collated against Tu at Tanjore. The same caution applies as for Y+-6.
T: The Telugu Group Version Ti Commentator Avañci Rāmacandra Badhendra), of the Sandilya gotra, son of Kondopandita and Gangām bikā. The colophon of this version agrees with that of the Campūrāmāyaṇa, except that the father is nained in full as Dhanvantakodanda; but the Camphubharata commentator is some other Ramacandra, In the commentary before us, Rāmacandra mentions other works of his such as the Srngārasrngataka. The commentary itself is the most learned and imposing hitherto known for the Šalakatraya. But its great popularity, proved by the many Telugu and Grantha editions (all copying each other and out of print! as well as succession of devanagari editions at the NSP ( not to speak of direct borrowing, as in the current Bombay Venkateśvar press edition and the Kanarese editions by Magali Krsnaśästri and Dobele Näräyaņaśāstri at Bangalore ) has obliterated the original MS evidence. Though I myself had to base the collation upon two printed editions, the ASP MSS became available after several forins of my text were printed off. Their study shows conclusively that the commentary exists, even in quite old MSS, in a short as well as an expanded version. The most plausible explanation is that the commentator himself issued more than one edition as the popularity of his work increased. All the ASP T1 MSS omit śakyo vürayitum, which seems to occur in all printed editions. The position of yenaivūmbarakhandena [3131 is uncertain. Finally, the short comment contains all the essentials of the longer. All these speak for more than one early redaction. One feature of this version the omission of lajjām gunaugha-[ 318), which is extra in W; it might be noted that w contains the disputed śakyo vārayitum while it puts 318 at the very end of N as an extra sloka, Moreover, there is a good reason for the Maharāștrian version W to have influenced Räinacandra, because the father's name Kondo ( sometimes misread Korido] is Mahărästrian, not Telugu.
TA = the Grantha edition hy Sattanur Viśvanātha Šāstri, Sastra Sanjivini Press, Madras 1912. Copious misprints.
TJ-the 7th devanāgari Nirnaysagar odition, again full of an unusual number of misprints, and contaminated at least as to the Sanskrit text with stray readings. The major agreements between these two texts and their commentaries were taken as the definitivo T. text. Flowever ASP 1035, palm-leaf Telugu of 65 folios, gives the complete text and commentary of N +$, and is old, though well-preserved. As the cover folio contains the notice and horoscope of a son born to someone in Saka 1682, one feels justified in taking the MS to be dated not later than A. D. 1760. I give below the major readings from this MS wherever they differ from the Ta readings as accepted; also somo overlooked variants cited as such in the Ti cominontary.
20 fefiltzen. 20 39 a. 3€ t Tuotteitat'. 7d offfa. 11° Tic. v. Grafat. 19 ET4a: (for afa rai which is Tic. v.). 200 Tom . 234 Tic. v. gara (for PTT). 24 Tic. v. ATI a. 37° FT HET. 389 Tic. v. fa 7. 39 fra:. 45" T 6. 47° Afafa (?). 50 ASP 1035 om. the text but has full com. of this stanza. 514 Far. 532 Tic. v. afrafatatua:. 62% afsat 2. 67° C TEAÎT. 69° C. V. Ara farewa? 714 had (for P F ).
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