YTGM was rearranged from some N source. As this is the only major version represented in all major scripts of the Peninsula [including the unique RASB 5592 Oriya palm-leaf of the V), it seemed better to classify the evidence accordingly, though this cuts across other possible criteria of grouping. No Kanarese group could be determined, as Mysore 1642, DC 12086, etc. do not suffice.
Y: The Nāgari Group Version Y. With comment of Maheśvarabhatta Rāmacandrabhatta Sukhathanakar (1718-1816), a prolific commentator best known for his tika on the Amarakośa. The version is closest to X in readings, but in śloka order ind content belongs to the general type which includes apeksante na pātriņi. Size of both 12" x 4-1/4", on European paper.
YIA - Con 1 N + only, supposedly contemporary with Maheśvara himself; lines 3--7, 50-51 let. Text in center, commentary above and below. lines 8-10, lot. 60-65; fol. 29.
Y1B - Goa?; fol. 63, text 2-5 lines, 34-38 let. ; com. 6-9 lines, 40-55 let. the later of the two family MSS, dated A. D. 1837; as above on European paper text in center, but all three śatakas. colophon: sit 2999 SETIH Hart मार्गशीर्ष कृष्ण अमावास्यायां उपाध्योपाह श्रीनिवासेन इदं पुस्तकं भर्तृहरिवैराग्यशतक समाप्तोऽयं । श्रीसाम्बसदाशिवार्पणमस्तु.
Y10 -- the printed edition (generally written in full, to avoid confusion with e-commentry) of 128 pages, published by Abāji Rämacandra Să vant [Rāmatattvaprakasa Sārasvatabhūşana Press, Belgaum 1910] In general agreement with Yup rather than with Ya, it differs on occasion from both and even from its own commentary.
The remaining MSS of this group are:
Y2 - Madras 344, originally acquired at Baroda; size 9-1/2" x 4-3/4"; fol. 27-1-26, 28, with 27 and/29 missing, whereby about 20 stanzas of Ś are lost: 1.9-13, let. 35. Order V-N-S. Marginal variants, corrections and textreadings show N influence, but the source must have been Telugu. Colophon: इति भर्तृहरियोगींद्रविरचितायां सुभाषितरत्नावल्यां वैराग्यशतके अवधूतचर्या नाम दशमं दशकं समाप्तत् । sitajafjart 1 st 1 sff...
Y3SVP 81, size 6-5/8" x 4-3/4"; fol. 62, 1. 8-9, let. 20; dated A. D. 1729. Crumliling at the edges, but otherwise well preserved. Visarga written as 8, la for final la in many words. Scribe probably Mahārāştrian, but the readings are more southern with the individualistic emendations one would expect in mnemonic transmission by some southern pundit resident for a long time in N territory. Colohpon: इति श्रीभर्तृहरियोगींद्रविरचिते सुभाषितवैराग्यशतकं समाप्तम् ।। शके १६५१ सौम्याब्दे शुचौ एकायां संपूर्ण ॥
Y4 Tanjore 4903; Ys=Tanjore 4904; Yo = Tanjore 4906. Collated [badly) at Tanjore against the printed NSP T, edition, so that agreement with Ti is always to be taken as doubtful.
YT-RASB 6, part of an anthology called the Padyasamgraha. Last two paddhatis of vairāgya missing. Corrupt, copied from Grantha or Telugu exemplar.
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