२८१] द्वाविंश अध्ययन
सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
गाथा ९-कौतुक-मंगल-विवाह के पूर्व वर के ललाट पर मूशल का स्पर्श करवाना आदि कार्य कौतुक हैं। दही, अक्षत, दूध, चन्दन आदि द्रव्य मंगल कहलाते हैं। (वृ. वृ.)
दिव्य-युगल-प्राचीनकाल में अन्तरीय-नीचे पहनने के लिये धोती और उत्तरीय-ऊपर ओढ़ने के लिये चादर, ये दो ही वस्त्र पहने जाते थे। उसी का नाम दिव्य युगल है। ___ गाथा १0-गन्धहस्ती-सव. हाथियों में श्रेष्ठ होता है। इसकी गन्ध से अन्य हाथी हतप्रभ हो जाते हैं, भयभीत होकर भाग खड़े होते हैं।
गाथा ११-समुद्रविजय, अक्षोभ्य, वसुदेव आदि दस भाई थे। उनके समूह को "बसार चक्र" कहते थे।
गाथा १३-अन्धक और वृष्णि दो भाई थे। वृष्णि अरिष्टनेमि के पितामह अर्थात् दादा होते थे-इनसे "वृष्णिकुल" का प्रवर्तन हुआ। दशवैकालिक आदि के अनुसार दोनों भाइयों के नाम से "अन्यक वृष्णिकुल" भी प्रसिद्ध था।
Salient Elucidations Gathā 5-Laksana (signs or marks). It is told in vrui of Pravacanasāroddhāra (patra 410-411) that originated with the origination of body constructed by the lines the marks like-umbrella, wheel, hook etc., are called signs. On the body of average man 32, Baldeva-Vasudeva 108 and monarch and Tirthamkara there are 1008 signs.
Before the names of religious teachers and adorables to write 108 and 1008 denotes the same fact.
Gathā 6-Samhanan means the bondages of bones. Both the bones of joint limbs of body twistly entangled to each other, the third bone as a bandage around those both bones and the fourth bone fixes those three like a nail. Such a steady bondage of bones is the construction of Vajra-rşabha nåráca samhanana.
Samhananas are of six kinds. The formation or figure of body is called sarmsthāna (Prajnapana 23/2).
Sitting by Palathi posture, all the four angles (and the arms of opposite those angles) are the same-equal that is the best sama caturasra saṁsthāna. Samsthānas are also of six types. (Prajapanaa 23/2)
Gāthā 9-Kautaka-mangala-Before starting for marriage to touch Musala etc., is kautaka.Curd, rice, milk, sandal woods etc., these things are called mangala. (V.V.) ___Divya-yugala-Divine twin-In ancient ages two cloths were bom-(1) (antariya) dhoti-for wearing under the waist, it covers the legs and (2) a sheet (uttariya) for covering the upper portion of body i.e., chest etc. .
Gāthā 10-Gandha hasti-This elephant is best of all other elephants. By its very smell the other elephants being frightened run away.
Gatha 11-Samudravijaya, Aksobhya, Vasudeva etc., were ten brothers. The group of these ten was called as Dasāra cakra.
Gatha 13-Andhaka and Vrsni were two brothers. Andhaka was the grandfather of Aristanemi. By Andhaka, Vrsnikula prevailed. According to Dasavaikalika etc., Andhaka-Vrsni kula was also famous by the name of both brothers.
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