की है। वैताढ्य पर्वत का आकार रुचक-ग्रीवा के आभरण-विशेष जैसा है। वह सर्वथा रजतमय है। वह स्वच्छ, सुकोमल, चिकना, घुटा हुआ-सा, घिसा हुआ-सा, तराशा हुआ-सा, रजरहित, मैलरहित, कर्दमरहित तथा कंकड़रहित है। वह प्रभा, कान्ति एवं उद्योत से युक्त है, चित्त को प्रसन्न करने वाला, दर्शनीय, अभिरूप और प्रतिरूप है।। __उसके दोनों पार्श्व भागों में दो पद्मवरवेदिकाएँ, मणिमय पद्म-रचित वनखण्डों से सम्पूर्णतः घिरी हैं। वे पद्मवरवेदिकाएँ आधा योजन ऊँची तथा पाँच सौ धनुष चौड़ी हैं, पर्वत जितनी ही लम्बी हैं। पूर्वोक्त के अनुसार उनका वर्णन समझ लेना चाहिए। वे वनखण्ड कुछ कम दो योजन चौड़े हैं, कृष्ण वर्ण तथा कृष्ण आभा से युक्त हैं। इनका वर्णन पूर्ववत् जान लेना चाहिए।
12. (Q.) Reverend Sir ! Where is Vaitadhya mountain of Bharat area located in Jambu island ?
[Ans.] Gautam ! Vaitadhya mountain is located in the south of northern Bharat area and in the north of southern Bharat area. It is in the west of eastern Lavan Samudra and in the east of western Lavan Samudra. It is long in east-west direction and wide in north-south direction. It touches Lavan Samudra from two sides-eastern Lavan Samudra in the east and western Lavan Samudra in the west. It is 25 yojan high and six yojan and a quarter deep underground. It is 50 yojan long. Its north-south curved stretch is 48816 yojan in east-west direction. In the north the stretch of Vaitadhya its Jeeva touches Lavan Samudra from two side namely east and west. Its Jeeva (radial distance) is 10,72012 yojans long. The circumference of its south ward bow, like back is
yojans. The shape of Vaitadhya mountain is like ruchak-an ornament worn in the neck. It is completely silvery. It is clean, soft, smooth, polished, well-rubbed, free from all dust, dirt, mud or stonepieces. It is shining due to its brightness and the aura it reflects is pleasant and worth-seeing.
On its two sides there are two lotus like structures (Vedikas) studded with jewels totally surrounded by lotus like forest. Those structures are half yojan high and 500 dhanush wide. In length they are equal to that of the mountains. These description should be understood as mentioned above. These forest parts are a little less than two yojan wide, black in colour and black in shine. Their description should also be considered as earlier mentioned.
१३. वेयडस्स णं पव्वयस्स पुरथिमपच्चत्थिमेणं दो गुहाओ पण्णत्ताओ-उत्तरदाहिणाययाओ, पाईणपडीणवित्थिण्णाओ, पण्णासं जोअणाई आयामेणं, दुवालस जोअणाई विक्खंभेणं, अट्ठ जोयणाई
प्रथम वक्षस्कार
First Chapter
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