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5555555555555555555555555550 __ [प्र. ] भगवन् ! वह शब्दापाती वृत्तवैताढ्य पर्वत क्यों कहा जाता है ?
[उ.] गौतम ! शब्दापाती वृत्तवैताढ्य पर्वत पर छोटी-छोटी चौरस बावड़ियों यावत् अनेकविध जलाशयों में बहुत से नीले कमल हैं, लाल कमल हैं, जिनकी प्रभा, जिनका वर्ण शब्दापाती के सदृश है। इसके अतिरिक्त परम ऋद्धिशाली, प्रभावशाली, पल्योपम के आयुष्य वाला शब्दातिपाती नामक देव वहाँ निवास करता है। उसके चार हजार सामानिक देव हैं। उसकी राजधानी अन्य जम्बूद्वीप में मन्दर पर्वत के दक्षिण में है। विस्तृत वर्णन पूर्ववत् है।
94. [Q.] Reverend Sir ! Where is Vritt Vaitadhya mountain termed as Shabdapati located in Haimavat region ?
(Ans.) Gautam ! Shabdapati Vaitadhya mountain is located in the middle of Haimavat region and is in the west of Rohita river and in the east of Rohitansha river. It is 1,000 yojan high, 250 yojan deep and levelled throughout. Its shape is like that of a bed. Its length as well as
breadth is 1,000 yojan. Its circumference is a little more than 3,162 4 yojans. It is totally studded with jewels. It is surrounded with a Padmavar Vedika and a forest from all sides.
There is a very much levelled and attractive area on Shabdapati Vaitadhya mountain. There is a grand palace at the very centre of that
area. That palace is sixty two and a half yojan high and 31 yojan and one 4 kos in length and breadth. Further, description up to the throne is as | mentioned earlier.
[Q.] Reverend Sir ! Why is it called Shabdapati Vritt Vaitadhya mountain ?
(Ans.) Gautam ! There are small quandrangular tanks up to many types of water bodies on Shabdapati Vritt Vaitadhya mountain and many lotus flowers of blue and red colour are on it whose brightness and colour is like Shabdapati. Further, a very prosperous influential celestial being (deva) whose life-span is one palyopam resides on it. His samanik devas are four thousand. His capital is in another Jambu continent in the south of the Mandar mountain. The detailed description is as
mentioned earlier. 卐 हैमवतवर्ष नामकरण का कारण REASON FOR NAMING IT AS HAIMAVAT VARSH
९५. [प्र.] से केणटेणं भंते ! एवं वुच्चइ हेमवए वासे २ ?
[उ. ] गोयमा ! चुल्लहिमवन्तमहाहिमवन्तेहिं वासहरपब्बएहिं दुहओ समवगूढे णिच्चं हेमं दलइ, णिच्चं हेमं दलइत्ता णिच्चं हेमं पगासइ, हेमवाए अ इत्थ देवे महिड्डीए जाव पलिओवमट्ठिइए परिवसइ, सेज + तेणद्वेणं गोयमा ! एवं बुच्चइ हेमवए वासे हेमवए वासे। चतुर्थ वक्षस्कार
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