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nineteenth yojan on the mountain. Then making loud noise like the water coming out from a pitcher, it flows quickly in the shape of garlands of pearls and flows in the shape of a waterfall up to more than a hundred yojans. There is a tongue-shape drain where Rohitansha river falls. The length of that drain is one yojan and width is twelve and a half yojans. Its thickness is one kos. Its shape is like that of a crocodile with open mouth. It is totally jewelled and clean.
Where Rohitansha river falls, there is a large pond and it is called Rohitansha waterfall (prapat) pond. It is 120 yojan long, 120 yojan wide and its circumference is less than 183 yojan. It is ten yojans deep. It is clean. Its description up to the arched gate is the same as mentioned earlier.
At the very centre of that Rohitansha waterfall kund (pond). There is a large island 16 yojan long, 16 yojan wide, a little less than 50 yojan in circumference. It is raised up to two kos from water level. It is clean, smooth and totally jewelled. The remaining description up to mansion is similar to what is already mentioned.
Through the northern arched gate of Rohitansha waterfall pond (kund), Rohitansha river moves ahead towards Haimvat region. Fourteen thousand streams join it. Then it turns towards the west when it is at a distance of half a yojan from Shabdapaati-vritt Vaitadhya mountain. Dividing Haimavat region into two parts it moves ahead. Thereafter, with a family of 28,000 rivers, it falls downwards from the wall (of Jambu island) and joins western Lavan Ocean. Great river Rohitansha is twelve and a half yojan wide at its source and there its depth is one kos. Thereafter, it goes on increasing. At the place where it joins the ocean, it is 125 yojan wide and the depth is two and a half yojan. It is surrounded with two padmavar vedikas and two forests on both the sides.
चुल्ल हिमवान् पर्वत के ग्यारह कूट ELEVEN PEAKS OF CHULL HIMAVAN MOUNTAIN
९२. [ प्र. १ ] चुल्लहिमवन्ते णं भन्ते ! वासहरपव्वए कइ कूडा पण्णत्ता ?
[ उ. ] गोयमा ! इक्कारस कूडा पण्णत्ता, तं जहा - १. सिद्धाययणकूडे, २. चुल्लहिमवन्तकूडे, ३. भरहकूडे, ४. इलादेवीकूडे, ५. गंगादेवीकूडे, ६. सिरिकूडे, ७. रोहिअंसकूडे, ८. सिन्धुदेवीकूडे, ९. सुरदेवीकूडे, १०. हेमवयकूडे, ११. वेसमणकूडे ।
[प्र. ] कहि णं भन्ते ! चुल्लहिमवन्ते वासहरपव्वए सिद्धाययणकूडे णामं कूडे पण्णत्ते ?
चतुर्थ वक्षस्कार
Jain Education International
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Fourth Chapter