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राजा भरत अभिषेक-मण्डप में प्रविष्ट हुआ। प्रविष्ट होकर जहाँ अभिषेक-पीठ था, वहाँ आया। वहाँ आकर अभिषेक-पीठ की प्रदक्षिणा की। प्रदक्षिणा कर वह पूर्व की ओर स्थित तीन सीढ़ियों से होता हुआ जहाँ सिंहासन था, वहाँ आया। वहाँ आकर पूर्व की ओर मुँह करके सिंहासन पर बैठा।
फिर राजा भरत के पीछे चलने वाले बत्तीस हजार प्रमुख राजा, जहाँ अभिषेक-मण्डप था, वहाँ आये। वहाँ आकर उन्होंने अभिषेक-मण्डप में प्रवेश किया। प्रवेश कर अभिषेक-पीठ की प्रदक्षिणा की, उसके उत्तरवर्ती त्रिसोपान मार्ग से, जहाँ राजा भरत था, वहाँ आये। वहाँ आकर उन्होंने हाथ जोड़े, ' अंजलि बाँधे, राजा भरत को जय-विजय शब्दों द्वारा वर्धापित किया। वर्धापित कर राजा भरत के थोड़ी ही दूरी पर राजा का वचन सुनने की इच्छा रखते हुए, प्रणाम करते हुए, विनयपूर्वक सामने हाथ जोड़े हुए, राजा की पर्युपासना करते हुए यथास्थान बैठ गये। तदनन्तर राजा भरत का सेनापतिरत्न, सार्थवाह आदि वहाँ आये। उनके आने का वर्णन पूर्ववत् है। केवल इतना अन्तर है कि वे दक्षिण की ओर के त्रिसोपान मार्ग से अभिषेक-पीठ पर गये। यावत् राजा की सेवा में उपस्थित हुए।
84. [3] King Bharat became very happy to listen from the celestial beings about the compliance of his orders. He then came out of Paushadhashala and called his officials and said, 'O the blessed ! Prepare the elephant quickly. Thereafter suitably decorate the horses, 4 the elephants, the chariots, the four-tier army and their soldiers. Inform 45 me after compliance.' The officials did the needful and then informed the king.
Then king Bharat entered his chamber meant for taking bath. He 4 took his bath and then rode on the grand elephant which was very high like the top of Anjanagiri. When king Bharat had got on the
elephant, eight meritorious symbols were moving ahead of the king. The fi detailed description of the symbols has already been mentioned in the
description of entry of the king in Vinita city. The description of the departure of the king of Vinita city is similar to that of the entry in Vinita city. King Bharat passed through the centre of Vinita city. He then came to the place where the coronation hall was set up in the north-east direction of that city. He stopped the elephant at the gate. He then got si down from the elephant. He then entered the coronation hall with $1 extremely beautiful Subhadra, the chief queen (Stri Ratna), thirty two thousand women providing sensual enjoyment in all seasons, thirty two thousand girls from noble families, thirty two thousand groups of dancers-each group consisting of thirty two members who were surrounding the king. He then came to the seat meant for coronation ceremony. He went round that seat and then climbing the three stairs in the east, he sat on that seat facing east.
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Third Chapter
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