454 455 456 457 455454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545453 ॐ विशाल अभिषेक-पीठ की रचना की। वह अभिषेक-पीठ अत्यन्त स्वच्छ तथा सूक्ष्म पुद्गलों से बना है म होने से मुलायम था। उस अभिषेक-पीठ की तीन दिशाओं में तीन-तीन सोपान मार्गों तीन पगथियों की
सुन्दर सीढ़ी बनाई। उस अभिषेक-पीठ का भूमिभाग बहुत समतल एवं रमणीय था। उस अत्यधिक के समतल, सुन्दर भूमिभाग के ठीक बीच में उन्होंने एक विशाल सिंहासन का निर्माण किया। सिंहासन का।
वर्णन विजयदेव के सिंहासन जैसा है। इस प्रकार देवताओं ने अभिषेक-मण्डप की रचना कर जहाँ । # राजा भरत था, वहाँ आये। उसे इससे अवगत कराया।
84. [2] Thereafter, king Bharat came to the Paushadhashala. He accepted austerities for three days. He carefully completed that period. After the completion of three day fast, he called the abhiyogik devas. When they came, he ordered them, 'o the blessed ! Kindly arrange a grand hall for coronation in the north-east region of Vinita city. After doing the needful, inform me.' After listening to these orders, the celestial beings felt happy in their mind and accepted the orders with the
words, 'Everything shall be done according to your orders.' Thereafter, 4 f they went to the north-east corner of Vinita city. They spread the spaceF points of their soul with fluid process (Samudghat). Thereafter, they
transformed them into a rod numerable yojan long. They discarded the useless gross material particles from the diamonds, Vaidurya precious stones up to risht gems and collected subtle necessary material particles. y They then again through fluid process took out the space-points of their y soul and created the levelled beautiful ground as plain as the upper surface of a drum. At the centre of that land, they created a grand hall for coronation ceremony.
That coronation hall was standing on hundreds of pillars up to that it contained many pictures. Its environment was fragrant with the pleasent smell of agar, kundaruk, lobaan and incense. The detailed description of the hall for audience may be considered as mentioned in other Agams (scriptures). They created a gigantic seat for the coron at the centre of the coronation hall. That seat was very smooth as it was made of extremely clean and subtle particles. In the three directions of that coronation seat they constructed three paths leading to stairs y having three beautiful steps each. The ground of that coronation seat was very much levelled and beautiful. At the very centre of that levelled beautiful area, they created a large throne. The description of that throne is similar to that of Vijay Deva. After constructing the coronation y hall, the celestial beings came to king Bharat and informed him about it.
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तृतीय वक्षस्कार
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