355555555555555555555555555555555558 156 (3) The units of time are stok, lav, muhurt (48 minutes period), full 45 41 day of 24 hours, fortnight, month, two months (ritu), half a year, (ayan), 41
year. He had no restriction from time point of view even for a period more than the period above-mentioned.
(4) He had no inclination to be in a fit of passion such as anger, (ego, fi deceit) and greed and thus, he was not in bondage from attitude aspect.
Except the period meant for Chaturamas, Bhagavan Rishabh was 4 spending only one night in a village and five nights in a town during the i
months of summer and those of winter respectively. He was free from any inclination for laughing, moaning, engaging in worldly enjoyment, bisking in fear, sudden sensation of fear. He was without any attachment or ego. He was light hearted as he was continuously trying to lift his soul upwards. He was without any internal and external bondage. He had no hatred even for one who might remove his skin with a sharp weapon and had no attachment for one who may apply sandal paste on his body. He was treating gold and a stone as of same category in his thoughts. He was not in any bondage or attachment with this world or the next world. He was not having any pleasure in this mundane world or in the lifespan as a celestial being. He was not even desiring early death. He was always engaged in crossing the mundane world of life and death. He was always trying to shed or destroy the karma attached to the space-points of his soul in all of his activities.
३८. [ २ ] तस्स णं भगवंतस्स एएणं विहारेणं विहरमाणस्स एगे वाससहस्से विइक्कंते समाणे ॐ पुरिमतालस्स नगरस्स बहिआ सगडमुहंसि उज्जाणंसि णिग्गोहवरपायवस्स अहे झाणंतरिआए वट्टमाणस्स .
फग्गुणबहुलस्स इक्कारसीए पुवण्हकालसमयंसि अट्ठमेणं भत्तेणं अपाणएणं उत्तरासाढाणक्खत्तेणं ॐ जोगमुवागएणं अणुत्तरेणं नाणेणं, (दसणेणं) चरित्तेणं, अणुत्तरेणं तवेणं बलेणं वीरिएणं आलएणं, .
विहारेणं, भावणाए, खंतीए, गुत्तीए, मुत्तीए, तुट्ठीए, अज्जवेणं, मद्दवेणं, लाघवेणं, सुचरिअ-सोवचिअ
फलनिव्वाणमग्गेणं अप्पाणं भावमाणस्स अणंते, अणुत्तरे, णिब्बाधाए, णिरावरणे, कसिणे, पडिपुण्णे 5 केवलवरनाणदंसणे समुप्पण्णे; जिणे जाये केवली, सव्वत्रू, सम्बदरिसी। सणेरइअ-तिरिअनरामरस्स
लोगस्स पज्जवे जाणइ पासइ, तं जहा-आगई, गई, ठिइं, उववायं, भुत्तं, कडं, पडिसेविअं, आवीकम्म, म रहोकम्मं तं कालं मण-वय-काये जोगे एवमादी जीवाण वि सव्वभावे, अजीवाण विसवभावे,
मोक्खमग्गस्स विसुद्धतराए भावे जाणमाणे पासमाणे, एस खलु मोक्खमग्गे मम अण्णेसिं च जीवाणं हिय卐 सुहणिस्सेयसकरे, सब्बदुक्खविमोक्खणे, परमसुहसमाणणे भविस्सइ।
जम्बूद्वीप प्रज्ञप्ति सूत्र
Jambudveep Prajnapti Sutra
Jain Education International
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