[उ. ] गौतम ! उन मनुष्यों के छहों प्रकार के संहनन तथा छहों प्रकार के संस्थान होते हैं। उनके # + शरीर की ऊँचाई सैकड़ों धनुष परिमाण होती है। उनका आयुष्य जघन्यतः संख्यात वर्षों का तथा :
उत्कृष्टतः असंख्यात वर्षों का होता है। अपना आयुष्य पूर्ण कर उनमें से कई नरकगति में, कई ॐ तिर्यंचगति में, कई मनुष्यगति में, कई देवगति में उत्पन्न होते हैं और सिद्ध होते हैं, यावत् समग्र दुःखों : + का अन्त करते हैं।
34. Blessed Gautam ! When 3x 10 million x 10 million Sagar time period of the second aeon has passed, Sukhama-Dukhama—the third Hi aeon of Avasarpani time-cycle starts. Gradually there is dicrease in
colour, smell, taste, touch and the like (as mentioned in Sutra 33) to a $ great extent. This aeon has been divided into three parts-(1) first, (2) second, and (3) third part.
(Q.) Reverend Sir! What is the nature of the first and the second part of this aeon ?
(Ans.] Blessed Gautam ! The land is well levelled and attractive 4 as earlier mentioned. The points of difference are that the height of 卐 human beings is 2,000 dhanush, the rib-bones are 64, they have desire
for food after gap of a day in between, their life-span is one palyopam and they nourish their twin children for 79 days. After death they take re-birth in heaven.
(Q.) Reverend Sir ! What is the shape of Bharat area in the last third fi part of this aeon ?
(Ans.] Gautam ! The land is well levelled and attractive like that of the upper part of muraj. It was shining with natural and artificial jewels.
(Q.) Reverend Sir ! What is the shape of human beings in the last third part of this aeon ?
(Ans.) Gautam ! Those human beings had all the six types of bonestructure and six types of constitution. Their height was several hundred dhanush. Their minimum life-span was numerable number of years and
maximum life-span of innumerable years. After completing their life
span some of them take birth in hell, some as sub-humans, some as i human beings and some in heaven, and some attain liberation and thus
bring an end of all of their miseries.
कुलकर-व्यवस्था KULAKAR SYSTEM
३५. तीसे गं समाए पच्छिमे तिभाए पलिओवमट्ठभागावसेसे एत्थ णं इमे पण्णरस कुलगरा समुप्पज्जित्था, तं जहा-सुमई १, पडिस्सुई २, सीमंकरे ३, सीमंधरे ४, खेमंकरे ५, खेमंधरे ६, म
द्वितीय वक्षस्कार
Second Chapter
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