था। उसके पास विशाल सेना थी । उसने अपने राज्य के सीमावर्ती राजाओं या पडोसी राजाओं को शक्तिहीन बना दिया था। अपने सगोत्र प्रतिस्पर्द्धियों - प्रतिस्पर्द्धा व विरोध रखने वालों को विनष्ट कर दिया था। उनका धन छीनकर एवं उनका मान-भंग कर तथा उन्हें देश से निर्वासित कर वह निष्कण्टक बन गया था। उसका कोई भी सगोत्र - विरोधी बच नहीं पाया था । उसी प्रकार उसने अपने (गोत्र - भिन्न) शत्रुओं को विनष्ट कर दिया था, देश से निर्वासित कर दिया था तथा राज्य के चोर, तस्कर, हिंसा प्रेमी - काँटों को निकालकर समाप्त कर दिया था । उन सबको अपने प्रभाव से जीत लिया था, पराजित कर दिया था।
इस प्रकार वह राजा दुर्भिक्ष ( दुष्काल) तथा महामारी के भय से रहित - निरुपद्रव, क्षेममय, कल्याणमय सुभिक्षयुक्त - (जहाँ भिक्षुओं को सुलभता से भिक्षा प्राप्त हो जाती) एवं शत्रुकृत विघ्नरहित राज्य का शासन करता था ।
11. (c) He owned large palaces and mansions, unlimited furniture, chariots, horses and other vehicles. He had abundant wealth including gold and silver. He was proficient in various methods of expanding his wealth and putting them to use with great efficiency. Large quantity of food was cooked in his royal kitchen resulting in a surplus after every meal. (This was distributed among the destitute.) He had innumerable servants and maids and also abundant livestock including cows, buffalos and sheep. He had large and well supplied machine-shop, treasury, granary, armoury and other storehouses. He also had an immensely large army. He had reduced the neighbouring kingdoms to insignificance. He had also destroyed all the rival claimants to the throne as well as other competitors within the clan. He had secured his rule by depriving them of their wealth and power, shattering their status and exiling them. He was left with no opposition within the clan. He did the same to his enemies outside the family and clan. He made his kingdom free of thieves, smugglers and other anti-social elements. With his great power he had defeated them, conquered them.
This way he ruled over his state in peace, beatitude and abundance, without any fear of drought, epidemic and other disturbances including those caused by enemies.
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Aupapatik Sutra