for the lasting welfare of his people (kshemankar). Due to his unlimited wealth and grandeur he enjoyed the status of Indra (the king of gods) among men. For his kingdom he was the father-like protector. The good of his people was his first priority. He was the reformer who steered the drifters on to the right path. He was a performer of good deeds. In terms of grandeur, power and other such attributes he was the best among men. As he sincerely pursued the four human goals of religion, wealth, procreation and liberation with altruistic thoughts he was the loftiest among men. He was strong and valorous like a lion, ferocious like a tiger and efficient in dealing his wrath like a serpent. He was a white lotus among men because he was soft and sensitive for those who served masses and worked for their happiness (Pundareek). He was a king-elephant among men because he humbled the pride of other minor kings. He was affluent, influential and renowned as benefactor of his religion and country.
कूणिक का वैभव
(ग) विच्छण्णि - विउलभवण - सयणासण - जाण - वाहणाइणे, बहुधणबहुजायरूव - रयए, आओग - प ओग - संपउत्ते, विच्छड्डियपउर - भत्तपाणे, बहुदासीदास - गो-महिस - गवेलगप्पभूए, . पडिपुण्णजंतकोसकोट्ठागाराउधागारे, बलवं, दुब्बलपच्चामित्ते, ओहयकंटयं, नियकंटयं मलियकंटयं, उद्धियकंटयं, अकंटयं, ओहयसत्तुं निहयसत्तुं मलियसत्तुं, उद्धियसत्तुं निज्जियसत्तुं पराइयसत्तुं ।
ववगयदुब्भिक्खं, मारिभयविप्पमुक्कं, खेमं, सिवं, सुभिक्खं, पसंतडिंबडमरं रज्जं पसासेमाणे विहरइ ।
११. (ग) उसके पास बड़े - बड़े विशाल भवन, सोने-बैठने के आसन तथा रथ, घोड़े आदि सवारियाँ, वाहन आदि विपुल मात्रा में थे । उसके पास विपुल सम्पत्ति, सोना तथा चाँदी थी। वह आयोग - प्रयोग - धन लाभ के उपायों का जानकार एवं धन-वृद्धि के उपायों में अनेक प्रकार से प्रयत्नशील रहता था । उसके यहाँ भोजन कर लिए जाने के बाद बहुत खाद्य सामग्री बच जाती थी । (जो गरीबों में बाँट दी जाती थी ।) उसके यहाँ अनेक दासियाँ, दास तथा पशुशाला में गायें, भैंसें, भेड़ें आदि थीं। उसके यहाँ यन्त्र - (यंत्रागार), कोष - खजाना, कोष्ठागार - अन्न आदि वस्तुओं का भण्डार तथा शस्त्रागार सदा प्रतिपूर्ण - भरा रहता
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