(यों विविध प्रकार की अपनी-अपनी विशेषताएँ लिए हुए वे वृक्ष अपनी सुन्दर लुम्बियों तथा मंजरियों के रूप में मानो शिरोभूषण - सिर पर कलंगियाँ धारण किये जैसे लगते थे ।)
उन वृक्षों पर तोते, मोर, मैना, कोयल, कोभगक, भिंगारक, कोण्डलक, चकोर, नन्दिमुख, तीतर, बटेर, बतख, चक्रवाक, कलहंस, सारस प्रभृति पक्षी सतत मधुर ध्वनियाँ करते रहते थे । वे वृक्ष गूँज रहे हैं, ऐसे सुरम्य प्रतीत होते थे । वहाँ पर मदमाते भ्रमरों तथा भ्रमरियों व मधुमक्खियों के समूह एवं पुष्परस - मकरन्द के लोभ से दूर-दूर से आये हुए विविध जाति के भँवरे मस्ती से गुंजन करते थे जिससे वह स्थान सदा गुंजायमान
रहता था ।
4. (b) Some of these trees were always laden with flowers, buds, leaves, clusters of flowers and bunches of leaves. Embraced by creepers like Jasmine and heavy with the flourishing greenery they swayed gracefully in the wind. Some stood in a row and others always in pairs. There were many that bent low (vinamit) due to the load of flowers, fruits and leaves. Some of these even touched the ground due to excessive weight.
(Thus with their unique attributes these trees appeared as if they donned plumed crests in the form of beautiful buds and danglers.)
All the time the forest strip resonated with sweet musical sounds of chirping and cooing of birds like parrots, peacocks, myna (a type of Asian starling), cuckoo, kobhagak, bhingarak (a type of bird producing humming sound like a bumble-bee), kondalak, chakor (a type of partridge), nandimukh, titar (partridge), bater (quail), duck, chakravak (Brahminy duck; Anas casarca), kalahansa (swan), sarus (crane) and many others. The echo of these musical sounds enhanced the charm of these trees. A multitude of intoxicated bumble-bees and honey-bees of many species, coming from far off areas in search of pollen, hovered around droning with excitement. The place echoed with these sounds all the time.
(ग) अब्भिंतरपुप्फफले, बाहिरपत्तोच्छण्णे, पत्तेहि य पुप्फेहि य ओच्छन्न पडिवलिच्छपणे साउफले, निरोयए, अकंटए, णाणाविह - गुच्छ - गुम्म-मंडवगरम्मसोहिए, विचित्तसुहके भूए ।
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