4. (a) The roots of the trees in that forest strip were deep and wide spread. Its bulbous roots and joints of branches were very strong. These trees had well developed and healthy barks, branches, sprouts and leaves. They were loaded with seed bearing fruits. All these trees had a luxurious umbrella-shaped growth. They had a single trunk with a vertical growth of numerous branches. The trunks of these trees were well shaped and large, so large that it was impossible to encircle one jointly by many persons with their extended arms. There was a thick growth of healthy and dangling leaves without any visible gaps. The old and yellow leaves had already been shed and their place had been taken by fresh bright green new sprouts. The denseness of all these kept the area perpetually dark.
The fresh leaves of these trees were soft and fully developed. The copper coloured sprouts were delicate and bright. Loaded with such leaves, flowers and sprouts the tree-tops were enchanting to look at.
४. (ख) णिच्चं कुसुमिया, णिच्चं माइया, णिच्चं लवइया, णिच्चं थवइया, णिच्चं गुलइया, णिच्चं गोच्छिया, णिचं जमलिया, णिच्चं जुवलिया, णिच्चं विणमिया, णिच्चं पणमिया, णिच्चं कुसुमिय-माइय-लवइय-थवइय-गुलइय-गोच्छिय-जमलियजुवलिय-विणमिय-पणमिय-सुविभत्तपिंडमंजरिवर्डिसयधरा।
सुय-बरहिण-मयणसाल-कोइल-कोभगक-भिंगारग-कोंडलग-जीवंजीवगणंदीमुह-कविलपिंगलक्खग-कारंडचक्कवाय-कलहंस-अणेग सउणगण-मिहुणविरइय-सदुण्णइय-महुर सरणाइए, सुरम्मे, संपिंडिय दरिय भमर-महुयरि पहकर परिलिंत-मत्तछप्पय-कुसुमासव-लोलमहुर-गुमगुमंत-गुंजंतदेसभाए।
४. (ख) उनमें कई वृक्ष ऐसे थे जो सब ऋतुओं में फूलों, मंजरियों, पत्तों, फूलों के गुच्छों, गुल्मों से लदे रहते थे। नवमल्लिका की बेलों से लिपटे तथा पत्तों के गुच्छों से हवा में लहलहाते रहते थे। कई वृक्ष ऐसे थे जो एक श्रेणी में स्थित थे। कई ऐसे थे जो सदा युगल रूप में-दो-दो की जोड़ी के रूप में खड़े थे। कई ऐसे थे जो पुष्प, फल आदि के भार से नित्य विनमित-बहुत झुके हुए रहते थे। प्रणमित-कई वृक्ष तो फल-फूलों के भार से नीचे जमीन तक झुके हुए थे।
समवसरण अधिकार
Samavasaran Adhikar
Jain Education International
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