यक्षायतन की दीवारों पर ऊपर-नीचे सर्वत्र बड़ी-बड़ी गोल तथा लम्बी अनेक पुष्पमालाएँ सजी हुई थीं। पाँचों रंगों के ताजे फूलों के ढेर के ढेर वहाँ चढ़ाये हुए थे, जिनसे वह बड़ा रमणीय लगता था। काले अगर, उत्तम कुन्दरुष्क, लोबान तथा धूप की गमगमाती महक से वहाँ का वातावरण बड़ा सुगंधमय था। उठते हुए सुगन्धित धुएँ की सघनता से वहाँ गोल-गोल धुएँ के छल्ले से बन रहे थे। THE PURNABHADRA CHAITYA
2. (a) Outside the Champa city, in the north-eastern direction there was Purnabhadra Chaitya (Yaksha temple complex). It existed there since ancient times. Elderly people of the past too mentioned of its antiquity. Its fame had spread far and wide. It was rich in endowment properties (or, it provided help to the needy). It was praised by people due to a variety of legends attached to it. It was widely recognized for its influence.
It was embellished with a canopy, a flag, a bell and banners. Small and large buntings always adorned it. For wiping and cleaning, brooms of peacock feathers were placed around. Platforms and seats could be seen all around. The floor was plastered with a mixture of cowdung and other ingredients. The walls were white-washed with lime. On the walls were printed marks of five fingers or whole palms dipped in gorochan and red sandal-wood paste. Urns or pitchers painted with auspicious marks in sandal-wood paste were placed all around. Every door was decorated with small urns and ornamental arches.
Long garlands reaching the floor dangled from roof at every wall in the temple. Heaps of multi-coloured flowers were placed at appropriate spots enhancing the beauty of the temple. The atmosphere was redolent with burning incenses like black Agar, best Kundarushk, Loban and Dhoop. Dense and fragrant fumes created smoke-rings while drifting upwards.
२. (ख) णड-गट्टग-जल्ल-मल्ल-मुट्ठिय-वेलंबग-पवग-कहग-लासग आइक्खगलंख-मंख-तूणइल्ल-तुंबवीणि-भुयग-मागहपरिगए।
बहुजणजाणवयस्स विस्सुयकित्तिए, बहजणस्स आहस्स आहणिज्जे, पाहणिज्जे, अच्चणिज्जे, वंदणिज्जे, नमंसणिज्जे, पूयणिज्जे, सक्कारणिज्जे, सम्माणणिज्जे, कल्लाणं, मंगलं, देवयं, चेइयं, विणएणं पज्जुवासणिज्जे।
समवसरण अधिकार
Samavasaran Adhikar
Jain Education International
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