he will be a mature young man. He will also become proficient in eighteen dialects, singing, dramatics and other allied fields, dancing and other performing arts. He will acquire skills of different types of battles riding horse, elephant, chariot and hand to hand combat as well. He will become a fearless wanderer filled with courage. Thus with an all-round development he will become fully mature and capable of enjoying all comforts and pleasures of life.
११०. तए णं दढपइण्णं दारगं अम्मापियरो बावत्तरिकलापंडियं जाव अलंभोगसमत्थं वियाणित्ता विउलेहिं अण्णभोगेहिं, पाणभोगेहिं, लेणभोगेहिं, वत्थभोगेहिं, सयणभोगेहिं, उवणिमंतेर्हिति ।
११०. तब उस दृढ़प्रतिज्ञकुमार के माता-पिता उसे बहत्तर कलाओं में मर्मज्ञ यावत् साहसिक जानकर उसे सर्वथा भोग-समर्थ जानकर अन्न, पान, लयन - सुन्दर गृह आदि में निवास, उत्तम वस्त्र तथा शयन - उत्तम शय्या, बिछौने आदि सुखप्रद सामग्री का उपभोग करने का आग्रह करेंगे।
110. Realizing that Dridhapratijna Kumar has become well versed in these seventy two arts... and so on up to... he has become fully mature and capable of enjoying all comforts and pleasures of life, his parents will beseech him to enjoy all comforts including best food, beautiful and furnished house and best of dresses.
१११. तए णं दढपइण्णे दारए तेहिं विउलेहिं अण्णभोगेहिं जाव सयणभोगेहिं णो सज्जिहिति, णो रज्जहिति, णो गिज्झिहिति, णो मुज्झिहिति, णो अज्झोववज्जिहिति ।
१११. तब वह दृढ़प्रतिज्ञकुमार माता-पिता द्वारा प्रस्तुत विपुल अन्न, शयन आदि भोगों में आसक्त नहीं होगा, अनुरक्त - ( आकर्षित ) नहीं होगा, गृद्ध - किसी भी प्रकार लोलुप नहीं होगा, मूर्च्छित - मोहित नहीं होगा तथा उनमें मन नहीं रमायेगा ।
111. On being offered all the aforesaid things including food, abode and other comforts, Dridhapratijna Kumar will not have any attachment (asakt or sajjihit), attraction ( anurakt or rajjihit), covetousness (griddha or gijjhihit), fondness (murchhit or mujjhihit) and infatuation (adhyavasit or ajjhovavajjihit) for any of these things.
११२. से जहाणामए उप्पले इवा, पउमे इ वा, कुमदे इ वा, नलिने इवा, सुभगे इवा, सुगंधे इ वा, पोंडरीए इ वा, महापोंडरीए इ वा, सयपत्ते इ वा सहस्सपत्ते इ वा,
अम्बड़ परिव्राजक प्रकरण
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Story of Ambad Parivrajak