many gods enjoy wealth and divine pleasures available in that * state. (2)
Thus Bhagavan described the genuses called infernal world, animal kingdom, human world and divine realm. After that he described Siddha (perfect beings), state of perfection and the six life forms. (3)
How soul enters bondage of karmas, how it gets liberated, and how it suffers afflictions ? How some detached persons terminate * suffering and some, preoccupied with pain, torments, and worries * are submerged in the ocean of sorrows ? How the detached
individuals destroy the accumulated heap of karmas ? Deeds done with a feeling of attachment bear fruits of sin. By complete cleansing of karmas a soul attains the state of perfection. Bhagavan eloquently explained all these things. (4, 5, 6)
विवेचन-माया निकृति-एक शब्द मानकर यहाँ उसका अर्थ किया जाता है ऐसी घोर जालसाजी या षड्यंत्र जिसमें एक कपट को छिपाने के लिए दुबारा उससे भयंकर कपट रचा जाता है।
उत्कंचनता तथा वंचनता में अन्तर बताते हुए कहा है-- भी किसी सरल हृदय व्यक्ति का ठगने में प्रवृत्त ठग, जब किसी चतुर विचक्षण पुरुष को पास में देखता 2) है तो उसके भय व संकोच के कारण कुछ समय तक अपनी धूर्तता को छिपाये रखता है, वह उत्कंचनता
है तथा दूसरों को ठगने का प्रयत्न वंचनता है। (चार गति के कारणों का विस्तृत वर्णन स्थानांगसूत्र, स्थान ४ में है)
Elaboration Considering Maya nikriti to be one word, it is interpreted here as such despicable fraud or conspiracy where, in order to conceal a fraud an even more guileful fraud is perpetrated.
The difference between utkanchanata and vanchanata is explained as follows
When a cheat, about to swindle a simple person, finds an intelligent and clever person nearby, he conceals his intent for some time out of fear or hesitation. This is called utkanchanata. The act of defrauding others is
vanchanata. (The causes of birth in four genuses are discussed in greater Kel details in Sthananga Sutra, Ch. 4) * धर्म के दो प्रकार
५७. तमेव धम्मं दुविहं आइक्खइ। तं जहा-अगारधम्मं (च) अणगारधम्मं च। * औपपातिकसूत्र
Aupapatik Sutra
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