the ten directions. They are born in the Kalp heavens (the twelve divine lands known as Kalps) from divine beds as youth. They exist as lofty divine beings in the present time and are destined (after being born as humans) to attain the state of nirvana (bhadra kalyan). (Endowed with bliss, love, great charm and joy) they are extremely handsome.
(1) Continuing his sermon, Bhagavan said-There are four causes due to which souls attract bondage of karmas responsible for a specific life-span as infernal beings. As a consequence they are born in various hells. These four causes are-(a) Maha-arambh or extreme violence, (b) Maha-parigraha or excessive possession and covetousness, (c) Panchendriya vadh or killing of five sensed beings, and (d) Mans-bhakshan or eating meat.
(2) The four causes for being born in the animal kingdom are(a) Mayapurna nikriti or guileful deception, (b) Aleek vachan or telling lies, (c) Utkanchanta or to conceal intent of and postpone swindling someone for a limited period, and (d) Vanchanta or to swindle someone.
(3) The four causes for being born in the human world are(a) Prakriti bhadrata or natural goodness, (b) Prakriti vinitata or natural humility, (c) Sanukroshata or kindness and compassion, and (d) Amatsarata or absence of jealousy and appreciation of virtues.
(4) The four causes for being born in the divine realm are-(a) Sarag samyam or ascetic-discipline where attachment and passions are still active, (b) Samyamasamyam or householder's conduct, (c) Akaam nirjara or to endure inflicted pain aimlessly or out of helplessness, and (d) Baal tap or to indulge in austerities and other such practices in a state of unrighteousness or ignorance.
Bhagavan further added-Those who go to hell suffer extreme torments like the hell beings. Those who are born as animals suffer physical and mental torture prevalent in animal world. (1)
Life as humans is transient. It involves abundant suffering related to disease, old age, death and pain. In the divine realm समवसरण अधिकार
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