Icale so so so so please please cloth cover with floral designs was placed on the caparison. With weapons added, this armoured elephant looked as if it was battle ready. It also had umbrella, flag (dhvaj), bells and streamers (pataka) fixed at appropriate spots. Its head was adorned with five flowers. Two bells were hanging at its flanks. The shine of the ornaments made it appear like black clouds with lightening. Its mammoth proportions gave an impression as if a moving mountain had suddenly appeared. It was ecstatic and its trumpeting was like thunder of immense dense clouds. Its speed was faster than that of mind as well as air. Its huge body and tremendous strength gave it a terrifying appearance (bheem). The officer of the elephant brigade concluded all the preparation of this great elephant making it battle ready. After this he also made ready the four pronged army and reported back to the army commander.
४३. तए णं से बलवाउए जाणसालियं सद्दावेइ, सद्दावेत्ता एवं वयासी - खिप्पामेव भो देवाप्पिया ! सुभद्दापमुहाणं देवीणं बाहिरियाए उबट्ठाणसालाए पाडिएक्क - पाडिएक्काई जत्ताभिमुहाई जुत्ताई जाणाई उवट्ठवेह, उवट्टेत्ता एयमाणत्तियं पच्चष्पिणाहि ।
४३. इसके पश्चात् सेनानायक ने यानशाला के अधिकारी यानशालिक को बुलाया । बुलाकर कहा - "सुभद्रा आदि रानियों के लिए, प्रत्येक के लिए ( अलग - अलग) यात्रा के योग्य अच्छे बैलों से जुते हुए रथ आदि यान बाहरी सभाभवन के निकट लाकर उपस्थित करो - उपस्थित कर आज्ञापालन होने की सूचना दो।"
43. Then the army commander called the master of the royal vehicles and said "Get separate carriages, for each of the queens including Subhadra, duly harnessed with well trained bulls ready for road, park them near the outer court and report back after doing that.”
रथ वाहनों की सज्जा
४४. तए णं से जाणसालिए बलवाउयस्स एयमट्टं आणाए विणणं वयणं पडिसुणेइ, पडिसुणेत्ता जेणेव जाणसाला तेणेव उवागच्छइ, तेणेव उवागच्छित्ता जाणाई पच्चुवेक्खेइ, पच्चुवेक्खेत्ता जाणाई संपमज्जेइ, संपमज्जेत्ता जाणाई संवट्टेई, संवट्टेत्ता जाणाई णीणे, णीणेत्ता जाणाणं दूसे पवीणेइ, पवीणेत्ता जाणाई समलंकरेइ, समलंकरेत्ता जाणाई वरभंडगमंडियाई करेइ, करेत्ता जेणेव वाहणसाला तेणेव उवागच्छइ, उवागच्छित्ता
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