er ending respectively with) Acharanga Sutra and Vipak Shrut.
Divided into larger groups (gachh), smaller sub-groups (gulm) and even smaller random groups (phutkar), they were staying in the same garden at different places. Some of them taught and recited
Agams, some removed doubts by answering questions, some revised * them and some ruminated over them.
Some of these Shramans told a variety of religious tales which helped remove attachment thereby steering the listeners towards equanimity, turned the listeners away from evil ways, infused desire for the path of liberation in them and inspired detachment from the mundane world.
Some of them had entered the cell of meditation in a specific yogic posture with raised knees and bent head.
Thus these anagars moved about enkindling (bhaavit) their souls with ascetic-discipline and austerities.
विवेचन-पिछले सूत्रों में भगवान महावीर के श्रमणों की बहुविध तपःसाधना का रोमांचक वर्णन है। * इस सूत्र में उन श्रमणों के श्रुत अध्ययन व ध्यान योग का कथन किया है। वे श्रमण-एक साथ समूह रूप * में अथवा अलग-अलग छोटे समूहों में बैठकर स्थविरों के पास-आचारांग आदि आगमों का अध्ययन
करते थे। कई एकान्त में गहन ध्यान योग की साधना में निरत थे। इस प्रकार वे श्रमण तप-संयम-ध्यान साधना द्वारा आत्मा को भावित-अनुप्राणित करते रहते थे। ____टीकाकार के अनुसार अनेक साधुओं के समूह गच्छ, थोड़े साधुओं का समूह गुल्म तथा अति लघु समूह-फुटकर, (फड्डा-फड्डि) कहा जाता है।
Elaboration—The preceding aphorisms contain vivid description of the varied practices of austerities by the ascetic disciples of Bhagavan
Mahavir. This aphorism details their studies of scriptures and practices * of meditation. These Shramans, divided into groups, sat with Sthavirs
(senior ascetic) and studied Agams including Acharanga. Some were involved in intense meditation. This way these Shramans enkindled their souls with practices of austerities, discipline and meditation.
According to the commentator (Tika) larger groups of ascetics were called Gachha, smaller subgroups were called gulm, and even smaller random groups were called phutkar (phadda-phadda). संसार-समुद्र
३२. (क) संसारभयउबिगा,
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