Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
Vinayam = Vinaya
Vinaya - Padivattiae = By the practice of Vinaya, by the understanding of Vinaya
Vinaya - Padivatti = Vinaya - Prathipatti Vinnay - Parinayamitte = When its knowledge becomes mature
Vittammi = On wealth
Vitti = Livelihood
Vidaya = Knowing
Viditapare = Knowing the nature of liberation
Vidvansan - Dhamma = Whose dharma is to be destroyed
Vipadavant = (By putting their faults on the heads of others) they speak ill. Vippjahanija = To be abandoned
Vippamukkas = Freed from bonds
Vippavasamane = Staying away
Vibhajja = Breaking
Vibhusie - Vibhushit, adorned
Viyad = With mind
Dasashrutaskandha Sutra
Viyad - Gihansi = In an open house
Viyad - Bhoyi - Prakash = In the light, that is, while the sun is shining, eating, not eating at night
Viyar - Bhumi = Land of excretion, place to go to the toilet
Viyaarei = Destroys, destroys
Viyale = In the night or evening
Virattass - Savva - Kama - Virattass = See Viruv - Ruvehin - Various types of
Vilevan = Application, Kasaya
Dantakathth - See Vivajjeja = Free from women, animals and Pandaka (eunuch)
Visamaasi = Snake
Viso = Poison
Vissaran = Viswar, ear-piercing
Viharai = He wanders, she wanders
Viharati = Enjoy
Viharamane = Wandering
Viharamo = We will wander
Vihiri (re) jja = Wander, enjoy
Viharen = By enjoyment
Vihinsi = Kills
Vuddha (tth) - Sile = Having the nature of an old man
Vuddha - Sevi = One who serves the elders
Vutta = Said
Vutta = (Samane) = When said
Vette = From the Veda
|Vedhen = With wet leather
Vey - Chhinnayam = Cutting of the genitals
Veyanijjam = Vedaniya karma
Vayyavache = For service
Ver - Bahule = One who makes more enmity
Veraman = Viraman Vrat, Samayik Vrat in the form of the cessation of Savadya Yoga
Veratanain - Places of enmity