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Bhattaim (food) to Bhattaram, the one who nourishes, Bhattarass, for the husband, Bhattenam (with oil), Bhadantu, may there be well-being, Bhayamaanass, the one who serves, Bhavai, it is, it happens, Bhavan-kura, the sprout of existence, the sprout of rebirth.
Bhavanti, are, Bhava-kkhaenam, due to the destruction of the divine existence, Bhavaggahaane, the grasping of existence, repeated birth, Bhavatu, may it be, Bhase, speaks, Bhailleti, (in business) a shareholder, Bhaaniyavvo, should be said, Bhayanen, vessel, container, utensil, Bhaaya, brother, Bhar-pacchoruhaanaaya, the ascent and descent of the burden,
the maintenance of the burden, the attainment of liberation,
one kind of Bhar, Bharia, wife, Bhaave, thought, Bhaavemaanaanam, thinking, Bhaasai, says, Bhaasaao, languages, Bhaasa-samia, language-committee, thought
and effortful speech,
Bhaasa-samiaanam, language-committee, ...... of, Bhaasittae, to speak, Bhaasittae, to speak, Bhin-gaaram, abuse, a auspicious pot, Bhikkham, alms, Bhikkhu, monk, celibate sage, Bhikkhuno, the sage who sustains by alms,
Bhikkhu-padimam, image of a monk, Bhikkhu-padimaao, images of monks, Bhitae, paid man, servant, worker, Bhin-ling-suve, mung beans, Bhumjaamaanass, eating,
eating, Bhumjaamaani, enjoying, Bhumjaamaane, enjoying, eating, Bhumjissamo, we will enjoy, Bhujjataro, abundant, much, many, Bhujjo, again and again, Bhuoovaghaaiye, the one who destroys beings, Bhe, your, Bhetta, the one who pierces, Bheyaanam, for the sake of piercing, Bheravam, fearful (endurance), Bho, oh, hey, an indeclinable word meaning "the enlightened one", Bhoae, enjoyment, Bhoga-puttaa, man of enjoyment, luxurious man,
Bhoga-bhogaim, fit for enjoyment, Bhoga, enjoyment, Bhoga-bhoge, of enjoyable enjoyments.