Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
**Glossary of Jain Terms**
* **Paṇāivaṁ** = Violence against living beings
* **Paṇāivaȳāo** = From violence against living beings
* **Paṇiṇam** = Of living beings
* **Paṇiṇā** = With the hand
* **Paṇi - Pāe** = Those with hands and feet
* **Paṇe** = To living beings
* **Pāmiccam** = Borrowed
* **Pāyam** = Foot, leg
* **Pāyacchittan** = Atonement
* **Pāraloiē** = Relating to the afterlife
* **Pālambamāṇa** = Hanging
* **Pālemāṇe** = Nourishing
* **Pāva-phal-vivāge** = The fruit or result of sinful actions
* **Pāvaiṁ** = Sin
* **Pāsavana** = Pronunciation - see Pāsaiṁ
* **Pāsaiṁ** = To the sides
* **Pāsittan** = To see
* **Pāsījjā** = Sees
* **Pāsittā** = Having seen
* **Piṇḍavāya-paḍiȳāe-piṇḍapāta** = Meaning alms
* **Piṭṭeī** = They cause pain
* **Piṭṭho** = From behind
* **Piṭṭhi - Mansiē** = One who backbites
* **Piṇaddha** = Worn
* **Piyam** = Beloved
* **Piya-dansaṇe** = Beloved-sight
* **Piyā** = Father
* **Pisunna** = From gossip and slander
* **Pīḍha - phalaga** = Stool
* **Pucchaṇī** = Language for asking questions about the path or other things
* **Puṭṭhassavāgaraṇī** = Language in the form of answers to questions
* **Puḍhavī** = On the earth
* **Puḍhavī - silāpaṭṭae** = On the stone slab of the earth
* **Puṇarāgamaṇījjā** = Those who come again and again
* **Puṇo - Puṇo - Puṇaḥ-puṇaḥ** = Again and again, repeatedly
* **Puṇṇabhaddē** = Puṇyabhadra, the name of a garden
* **Puttattāe** = In the form of a son
* **Puppha-bhoyaṇam** = Food of flowers
* **Pumattāe** = Masculinity
* **Purao** = Ahead
* **Puratthābhimu** = Facing east
* **Purādigicchāe** = First (of a previous birth)
* **Purisa jāe** = Born as a man
* **Purisaṇam** = Of men
* **Purisē** = See Puriso
* **Koḍumbīya** = Man
* **Puriso** = Man
* **Puva - paḍilehiyansi** = Previously written, previously seen
* **Puvautē** = From a virtuous person coming to beg for alms
* **Puvaagamaneṇ** = Before coming
* **Puvaanupuvvi** = In sequence
* **Pūya** = Decomposed blood, pus