Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
Granthi-rahita Sadhu, Sarvasva Tyag karne wala Sadhu. Nigganth Dekho Nigganthiyo, Thiinam - Rag-Dves ki Granthi rahit Sadhvi, Sarvasva Tyag karne wali Sadhvi, Nigganthi Dekho.
Niggaya = Passed away
Niggune = Without qualities
Niccham = Eternal, always
Nicchandhakar = Always darkness and tamas
Nijjaan - Magge = Path of liberation, path of liberation from karma
Nijjayamaniye = Entering the house
Nijjuhitta = When removed, kept separate or disposed of
Nidhayanti = They sleep
Niddham = Smooth food
Nipacchakkhan-Poshohavvase = Who never
rejects and medicine or fasting
Nimmere = Without limits
Niyedi = Cunning and deceitful
Niyam = Rule
Niyal - Juyal - Sankodiy - Modiyam = To bind with iron chains and twist and break
Niyal - Bandhanam = To bind with chains
Nirantam = Debtlessness, liberation from debt
Nirinthane = In the absence of wood etc. fuel
Niruddayam = Bhat Pan - see
Nividdve - Chanda-Rag-Mati - see
Nivedejjya = They request
Nivvae = Without vows, who never takes vows
Nivvaghae = Nirvyaghat, i.e. free from pain etc.
Nivvanam = Nirvana, i.e. liberation
Nivvanamgge = Path of liberation, path of liberation
Nissam = Holding in the heart
Nisiitta = The one who sits
Nisiyai = Sits
Nisihiyam = To sit
Nippav = A special type of grain
Nissille = Without virtue or good conduct
Nissesam = Complete, complete
Nissesae = For welfare
Nihete = When killed
Neer - Karma-Raj se rahit = Free from karma-dust
Nette = A special type of weapon shaped like an eye
Neyaiyass = Just
Neyaram = To the leader
Neraiya = Hellish
No - Negative particle
Paithane = Established, situated
Paranjai = The one who uses
Paog - Mai - Sampya - Paog-Mati - Sampada, intelligence that flashes on the occasion of debate
Paog-Sampya = Use - wealth, excellent