Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
**Acchidittā-vicchedana** (one who breaks off from the good)
**Ajāṇam** = not knowing, ignorant **Ajjo** = O noble one
**Ajjaṇa** = study
**Daśāśrutaskandha Sūtram** (Tenth Chapter of the Skandha Sūtra)
**Ajja-vittavva, vva** = should be ordered **Ajjo-vavaṇṇā** = (in the matter of) supremely attached **Advam** = news, present topic **Aṭṭhameṇaṁ** = eighth, the eighth **Aṭṭha-vihā** = eight types of
**Aṭṭhiṇa** = from bones, with bones **Aṭṭhe** = meaningful and true, sa. meaning, sentiment
**Aḍḍhāijjesu** = two and a half
**Aṇanta - ṇāṇiṇaṁ** = one with infinite knowledge **Aṇantara-hiāe** = with a mind, one on which no seat etc. is spread
**Aṇanta** = infinite
**Aṇagārass** = one who is without a home, i.e. a renunciant **Aṇagāriyaṁ** = the way of a renunciant
**Aṇṇu-tāvitta** = without repentance **Aṇṇu-pālemāṇass** = one who does not properly maintain
**Aṇu-vitta** = without forgiveness, i.e. without asking for forgiveness for the fault **Aṇasaṇaiṁ** = fasting - vow **Aṇāṇu-gāmiyatāe** = for the happiness of the future. sa. not staying together in the lineage of existence
**Aṇāpuccitta** = without asking
**Aṇāyagass** = a king who is independent, without another leader **Aṇāloi-e** = without criticism **Aṇidāṇass** = without a cause, i.e. karma without the hope of fruit **Aṇiyata - vitti** = one who wanders without attachment **Aṇisare** = a powerless person **Aṇisesāe** = for evil
**Aṇisidvam** = ordinary things taken without permission **Aṇisitto-vasie** = without attachment to passion and aversion **Aṇisiyaṁ** = without attachment, i.e. without ego or restriction **Aṇisiya-vayaṇe** = speech without restriction
**Aṇu-jāṇaha** = give permission **Aṇu-jāṇejjā** = giving permission **Aṇuṭṭiya** = before getting up **Aṇuṇṇavaṇi** = the language of asking permission for a place etc. **Aṇuttare** = supreme
**Aṇu-passati** = sees **Aṇu-pālitta** = one who maintains **Aṇu-ppaṇāṇaṁ** = not produced **Aṇu-ppaviṭṭhass** = upon entering **Aṇu-ppavisai** = enters **Aṇu-būhitta** = one who speaks **Aṇu-loma-kāya-kiriyatā** = one who acts in accordance with the body