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## The Tenth Decad
**With Hindi Commentary**
They place their faults on others and say, "Do not kill me, kill others; do not command me, command others; do not harm me, harm others; do not capture me, capture others; do not hurt me, hurt others." Those who have not renounced *prāṇātipāta* (violence against living beings), *mṛṣāpāda* (false speech), and *adattādāna* (taking what is not given), and who are *mucchiyā* (deluded), *gaḍhiyā* (bound), *giddha* (greedy), and *ajjhovvaṇṇā* (intensely attached or immersed) in *itthikāmehiṃstrī-sambandhī kāma-bhogā* (worldly pleasures related to women), at the time of death, *kālaṃ kicchā* (struggle with death), are born in the realms of *aṇṇa-tarāī-asurāiṃ* (Asuras, demonic beings) or *kibbisīyāiṃ* (Kilibisas, a class of low-grade gods). After that, they are released from that place and are born again as *muyyattāe* (sheep-like, unclear speakers) or *gūṅge* (mute).
**O Āyusmān! O Śramaṇa!** Thus, it is certain that the *niḍāṇa* (cause) of this *karma* (action) is such that the person who performs it does not have the *saddahīe* (faith or belief) or *ruci* (interest) in the *kevali-paṇṇattā-kevali-bhāṣitā-dhamma* (the true Dharma spoken by the Kevalis).
**Original Meaning:**
He has an interest in other philosophies than Jainism. Due to this interest, he becomes like those forest-dwelling ascetics, those who live in leaf huts, those who live near villages, and those who perform secret acts. They are not *bahu-saṃyata* (highly restrained), not *bahu-virata* (highly renounced), and have not completely renounced violence against all beings, ghosts, living beings, and creatures. They use a language mixed with truth and falsehood and blame others for their faults, saying, "Do not kill me, kill others; do not command me, command others; do not harm me, harm others; do not capture me, capture others; do not hurt me, hurt others."