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## Dashami Dasha
**With Hindi Commentary**
Because she is unfit to listen to the Dharma. She becomes filled with intense desires and becomes a Narakini (hell-bound being) destined for the South direction, accumulating rare-knowledge karmas in the future. O Ayushman Shraman! This is the kind of result of the Nidana-karma, a sinful fruit-ripening, which even takes away the ability to listen to the Dharma spoken by the Kevali.
**Commentary:** The meaning of this Sutra is similar to the last Sutra on Nidana-karma. By performing Nidana-karma, a Nirgrantha woman becomes entangled, and she cannot even listen to the Dharma, because due to being caught in the enjoyment of pleasures, her Bodhi-karma becomes rare. As a result, she is born in hell. Therefore, a Nirgrantha who desires the well-being of his soul should not even mistakenly perform Nidana-karma. It is completely to be abandoned. The rest is all easy.
Now the Sutrakar describes the fourth Nidana-karma:
"Thus, O Shraman! Ayushman! I have declared the Dharma, this very Nirgrantha preaching is true, the rest also, and it continues until the end. For whom, of the Dharma, the Nirgrantha, dwelling in the presence of learning, formerly with the desire for knowledge, formerly until the arisen-desire-born,..."