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Dasha Shruta Skandha Sutra
Commentary - This Sutra describes how the minds of many monks were filled with resolve upon seeing King Shrenik and Queen Chellana. For example:
Tenth Dasha
"Oh, how wonderful! King Shrenik, the wealthy, who is enjoying great happiness, having bathed, performed the bali-karma, performed auspicious rituals and atonement for desires, and is enjoying the best human pleasures with Queen Chellana, adorned with all ornaments, is wandering about. We have not seen such a god in the world of gods. If this is the result of his tapas, brahmacarya, and secrecy, then we too will come (in time) and wander about enjoying such excellent human pleasures. This is good."
Word by word meaning:
Aho - wonder, ṇam - for the sake of the grammatical structure, Seṇie Rāya - King Shrenik, Mahidḍhi - very wealthy, Mahā-sukkhe - with great happiness, Je ṇam - who has, Hāe - bathed, Kay-balikamme - performed the bali-karma, Kay-kouy-mangal-pāyachchitte - performed auspicious rituals and atonement for desires, Savvālaṅkāra-vibhūṣie - adorned with all ornaments, Chellanadevīe sadḍhiṁ - with Queen Chellana, Urālai - excellent, Māṇussagāī - human, Bhoga bhogāī - pleasures, Bhuñjamāṇe - enjoying, Viharati - wandering about. Me - we