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Dasha-Shruta-Skandha Sutra
Tenth Dasha
Now the Sutrakar says that upon hearing this news, King Shrenik of Bhadrasala, having been pleased and satisfied, entered the bathing house. Having entered, he was adorned and decorated like a Kalpa tree. Then, the king emerged from the bathing house and went to where Chellanā Devi was and said to her, "Oh, beloved of the gods! The Shraman, Bhagavan Mahavira, the first Tīrthankara, lives by practicing the ancient path, and he cultivates himself through restraint and austerity."
Word-by-word meaning: Tate ṇam - after that, Seṇie Rāya - King Shrenik, Bhaṃbsāre - of Bhadrasala, jāṇa-sāliyasssa - of the chariot-house, antie - from the end, eyamṭuṃ - this news, soccha - hearing, nisamma - and having understood, haṭṭuḍhe - pleased and satisfied, jāva - until, majjaṇa-gharaṃ - the bathing house, aṇuppavisai - he enters, aṇuppavisaiṭṭā - having entered, jāva - until, kappa-rukkhe ceva - like a Kalpa tree, alaṃkie - adorned, vibhūsie - decorated, ṇarinde - the king, jāva - until, majjaṇa-gharaō - from the bathing house, paḍinikkhamaī - he emerges, paḍinikkhamaīṭṭā - having emerged, jeṇeva - where, Chellaṇādevi - Chellanā Devi was, teṇeva - there, uvāgaccaī - he went, raṭṭā - and, evaṃ - thus, vayāsī - he said, devāṇuppie - Oh, beloved of the gods! evaṃ - thus, āigare - the dharma,