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## Dashami Dasha
**With Hindi Commentary**
**Original Meaning:** Therefore, O beloved of the gods! We are going and will convey this good news to King Shrenik. May it be pleasing to you, they said to each other. After this, they went to the city of Rajgriha, and in the middle of the city, where the royal palace of King Shrenik was, where the great king was seated, they went there. Going there, they joined their hands and congratulated the great king with victory and success, and said, "O Master! The Shraman Bhagwan Mahavir Swami, whose darshan you have a strong desire for, is seated in the Chaitya called Gunashil outside the city. Therefore, we convey to you the good news of his arrival. May this news be pleasing to you."
**Commentary:** This Sutra only describes that the aforementioned presidents conveyed the news of the arrival of Shri Bhagwan Mahavir to King Shrenik. The rest is clear in the original meaning. But "Jay - Paraira Nabhibhuyatamanata Pratapvridhi Cha, Vijay - Paresh Am Sahamananam Abhibhav, Athava Jay Swadeshe, Vijay Paradeshe Bhavati. Te Cha Jayen Vijayen Vardhasveityashi Sham Prayunjanta" - meaning, not being despised by the enemy and the increase of prowess is called Jay, and giving retribution to those who are jealous of one's progress is called Vijay. Or, Jay is in one's own country, and Vijay is in other countries.
The meaning of the Sutra is only that the presidents went to the king and conveyed the good and auspicious news of the arrival of Shri Bhagwan. The king listened to this news with respect and happiness.
What happened after this, the Sutrakar himself says:
**Then, King Shrenik, upon hearing this news from those men, was filled with joy and happiness in his heart, and he rose from his throne. He went out as if someone was going to worship and bow down. After bowing down, he honored those men.**