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Dasha-Shrutskandha Sutra
King Shrenik, the Bंभसार, desires, yearns, requests, and aspires for the darshan (sight) of the Devānupiya (beloved of the gods). King Shrenik, the Bंभसार, is delighted and satisfied upon hearing the name and lineage of the Devānupiya. The Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir Swami, the Adigar (founder of the religion), the Tiththayar (establisher of the four Tirthas), the Savvannu (omniscient), the Savvadansi (all-seeing), the Puvvaanupumbin (walking in sequence), the Charemane (walking), the Gamaanugaman (going from one village to another), the Dutijjamane (going), the Suhan Suhenam (comfortably), the Viharmane (dwelling), has arrived here. He is residing in the Gunashala Chaitya, outside this Rajagriha city. He is present in this Gunashala Chaitya, engaged in the Bhavamane (meditation) of his own Atma (soul) through Samam (restraint) and Tap (austerity).
The tenth Dasha
Mulaarth - After this, they went to the place where the Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir Swami was, along with the attendants of comfort, etc. They circumambulated the Bhagavan three times, offered their respects, and prostrated themselves before him. After the prostration and salutations, they inquired about his name and lineage and held it in their hearts. After this, they all gathered together and went to a secluded place and began to speak to each other in this way: "O Dev-Priya! King Shrenik, the Bंभसार, desires, yearns, requests, and aspires for the darshan of whom? And upon hearing the name and lineage of whom, King Shrenik is delighted and satisfied? He is the founder of the religion, the establisher of the four Tirthas, the possessor of all the qualities mentioned in the "Namotthu Nam" Sutra,