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## Ninth Dasha
**With Hindi Commentary**
An Upadhyaya who is of little learning, whose vision is tainted by association with other Tirthankaras, and whose character is corrupted by the company of Parsva and others, falls into the bondage of Maha-Mohaniya Karma. Therefore, one should always express gratitude towards those Upadhyayas and Acharyas who have lovingly educated them in Dharma, and not be ungrateful by criticizing them with arrogance.
Now, the Sutrakar describes the twenty-second position in the same context:
**Aayari-Uvajjaayaaṇam Sammam No Padittappai. Appaddipuyaye Thadde Mahamoham Pakuvvai. || 22 ||**
**Aachaaryopaadhyaayaaṇ samyag no paritarpati.
Apratipuujakaḥ stabdho mahaa-moham prakurute || 22 ||**
**Word-by-Word Meaning:**
* Aayari - Acharya, Uvajjaayaaṇam - and Upadhyaya, Sammam - properly, No - not, Padittappai - serves, Appaddipuyaye - ungrateful, Thadde - arrogant, Mahamoham - Maha-Mohaniya Karma, Pakuvvai - earns.
One who does not properly serve the Acharya and Upadhyayas is ungrateful and arrogant, and therefore earns Maha-Mohaniya Karma.
This Sutra also discusses the topic of ingratitude. A disciple who receives education from the Acharya and Upadhyayas but does not serve them in times of need, nor worships them, i.e., does not honor them with food and other offerings at the appropriate time, but instead becomes arrogant and neglects them, falls into the bondage of Maha-Mohaniya Karma. It is the duty of every disciple to serve those Gurus from whom they receive knowledge of Shruta, etc., and to show humility towards them. Only then can their education be successful. One who forgets their kindness, turns away from them, and abandons the virtue of humility, becoming arrogant, cannot escape the consequences of this Karma.