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## 320
## Dasha Shruta Skandha Sutra
He who constantly condemns the path that leads away from the wrong path, turning his own and others' minds away from it, and using his false arguments to prove the righteous path as unjust and condemns it, earns the karma of great delusion.
The word 'Dutte' in the sutra has two meanings: 'Dushta' (wicked) and 'Dveshi' (hateful). The verb 'Avyarei' also has two meanings: 'Apaharati' (takes away) and 'Apkaroti' (does harm). Here, the meaning of 'Apkar' is taken, meaning that he harms the person who is walking on the righteous path by diverting him from it. 'Tippayant' means 'Tarpayant', meaning 'condemning', because the root 'Tipp (Trup)' also means 'condemning'. 'Bhavyati' means 'Nindaya Dveshena Va Vasayati Paramatmananch' etc. The rest is clear.
Now, the sutrakar, in the twenty-first place, speaks about the condemnation of the Acharya and Upadhyaya in the following sutra:
## 21
## Navama Dasha
Airy-Uvajjaaehi Suyam Vinayam Cha Gahie. Te Chev Khinsai Bale Mahamoham Pakuvvai.
Aacharyo Upadhyayaabhyam Shrutam Vinayancha Grahitah.
Tanev Khinsati Balo Mahamoham Prakuruate ||21||
Paddarthanvaya - Airy - Acharya Uvajjaaehi - and Upadhyaya, who have Suyam Shruta Cha - and Vinayam - Vinaya, taught the disciple Gahie - received, meaning taught, Bale - ignorant Cha - if Te Ev - they, Khinsai - condemn, then Mahamoham - the karma of great delusion, Pakuvvai - earns.
Mulaarth - If an ignorant person condemns the Acharya and Upadhyaya, from whose grace he has received the teachings of Shruta and Vinaya, then he earns the karma of great delusion.
Teeka - This sutra speaks about the condemnation of the Acharyas and Upadhyayas. If an ignorant disciple condemns the Acharyas and Upadhyayas who have taught him the Shruta and Vinaya Dharma, saying that...