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## 318
## Dasha Shruta Skandha Sutra
He earns the karma of harming others. Because he removes them from the path of Dharma, where their soul is immersed in Shruta or Charitra, and leads them towards the five Asravas. This Sutra teaches us that we should not deter anyone from performing their Dharma-related duties. Here, the topic is about Dharma in the form of universal conduct. By implication, we should also understand this in relation to Dharma in the form of conduct specific to a particular country.
## Ninth Dasha
In some handwritten manuscripts, the word "Sutasavvasiyam" is replaced with "Susamahiyam (Susamahitam)" and in some places, the entire phrase "Sanjayam Sutasavvasiyam" is replaced with "Je Bhikkhu Jagajivanam". This means that whoever leads a life of non-violence is the one who deviates from Dharma, etc. However, these variations in the text do not significantly alter the meaning. The goal of all these texts is the same: to prevent anyone from being deterred from their religious duties. Remember, just as earning the karma of harming others arises from deterring someone from Dharma, similarly, the destruction of that karma occurs when we encourage others to follow Dharma.
Now, the Sutrakar describes the topic of the nineteenth place:
## Tavaṇanta-ṇāṇiṇam Jiṇāṇam Varadansinam.
## Tesim Avaṇṇavam Bāle Mahāmoham Pakuvvai. ||16||
## Tathaiva ananta-jnānānām jinānām varadarshinām.
## Tesham avarnavān bālo mahāmoham prakurute ||16||
## Padarthanvaya:
Tathaiva - In the same way, Aṇanta-ṇāṇiṇam - those who possess infinite knowledge, Jiṇāṇam - 'Jina' Devas, Var-shreshtha Dansinam - the best of seers, Tesim - their Avaṇṇavam - one who criticizes, Bāle - ignorant, Mahāmoham - the karma of great delusion, Pakuvvai - earns.
## Mūlārtha:
An ignorant person who criticizes the Jinenra Devas, who possess infinite knowledge and infinite vision, becomes bound by the karma of great delusion.
## Tika:
This Sutra speaks about those who criticize the Jinenras. The 'Jina' Bhagavan, who possess infinite knowledge and infinite vision, are the holders of क्षायिक दर्शन (Kshayik Darshan).