Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
**Kar Navami Dasha**
**Dasha Shruta Skandha Sutra**
(Vighna) He who creates obstacles, earns the pakuvvai-acquisition of the maha-mohaniya karma.
**Meaning:** If one who is filled with the fault of jealousy and whose mind is stained with sin, creates obstacles in the benefit of his benefactor and supporter, then he earns the acquisition of maha-mohaniya karma.
**Commentary:** If his mind becomes jealous and hateful towards his benefactor, a noble man, or the people of the village, and becomes stained with sin, and as a result, he begins to create obstacles in their benefit, and out of greed, he seeks to harm them and claim their wealth, and forms a strong enmity with them, then as a result of this ingratitude, he falls into the bondage of maha-mohaniya karma. We have already made it clear that 'ingratitude' is the lowest of low karmas. Therefore, one should always keep in mind that first, we should be able to repay the favors of our benefactor, otherwise, at least we should not harm him in any way.
Now the sutrakar describes the subject of the fifteenth place, which is about betrayal:
**Sappi jaha andaud bhattaram jo vihinsai. Senavai pasaththaram mahamoham pakuvvai. ||15||**
**Sarpiṇī yathāṇḍakandaṁ bhartāraṁ yo vihiṁsati. Senāpatim praśāstāraṁ mahāmohaṁ prakuru te. ||15||**
**Word by Word Meaning:** Jaha - like, sappi - serpent, andaud - her group of eggs, jo - who, bhattaram - nourisher, vihinsai - kills, or senavai - commander, pasaththaram - art teacher or dharma teacher, he pakuvvai - earns the acquisition of maha-mohaniya karma.
**Meaning:** Just as a serpent kills its group of eggs, in the same way, one who kills his nourisher, commander, art teacher, or dharma teacher, falls into the bondage of maha-mohaniya karma.