Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## Translation:
**Dasha Shruta Skandha Sutra**
**Chapter 7**
**Tenth Dasha**
"Ahakappa, Ahamaggam, Ahataccam, Sammam, Karana, Fasitta, Palitta, Sohitta, Tirita, Kittita, Arahitta, Anaaye Anupalitta, Yavi Bhavathi." || 12 ||
For a non-householder who properly observes a one-night Bhikshu-Pratima, these three things are beneficial, auspicious, for forgiveness, for liberation, and for future happiness. These are:
* The emergence of Avadhi-Jnana (knowledge of space and time)
* The emergence of Manah Paryav-Jnana (knowledge of the mind)
* The emergence of Kevala-Jnana (omniscience), if it has not already arisen.
Thus, this one-night Bhikshu-Pratima, according to the Sutra, according to the Kalpa, according to the path, according to the truth, is properly touched by the body, protected, purified, completed, praised, worshipped, and continuously observed with knowledge. || 12 ||
**Word by Word Meaning:**
* Eg-Raiyam - One night
* Bhikshu-Padimam - Bhikshu-Pratima
* Sammam - Properly
* Anupalemanas - Observing
* Anagaras - Non-householder
* Ime - These
* Tao-Tina Thana - Three places
* Hiaaye - For benefit
* Suhaaye - For happiness
* Khamaaye - For forgiveness
* Anugamiyatta - For future happiness
* Nisesaaye - For liberation
* Bhavanti - Become
* Tan Jaha - As
* Ohi Naane - Avadhi-Jnana
* Athava - Or
* Manah Paryav-Jnana - Knowledge of the mind
* Se - From
* Usko - To him
* Samupjjezza - Arises
* Va - Or
* Kevala Naane - Kevala-Jnana
* Asamuppannapavve - Not yet arisen
* Se - From
* Usko - To him
* Samupjjezza - Arises
* Evam - Thus
* Khalu - Certainly
* Esa - This
* Eg-Raiya - One night
* Bhikshu-Padimam - Bhikshu-Pratima
* Ahasuyam - According to the Sutra
* Ahakappa - According to the Pratima's conduct
* Ahamaggam - According to the Pratima's path of knowledge
* Ahataccam - According to the truth
* Athava - Or
* Sammam - Properly
* Kaayenam - By the body
* Fasitta - Touched
* Palitta - Protected
* Sohitta - Purified
* Tirita - Completed
* Kittita - Praised
* Arahitta - Worshipped
* Anaaye - By the command
* Anupalitta - Observed
* Yavi - Continuously
* Bhavathi - Becomes
**Main Meaning:**
A monk who properly observes a one-night Bhikshu-Pratima will experience these three benefits: benefit, happiness, forgiveness, liberation, and future happiness. These benefits are the emergence of Avadhi-Jnana, Manah Paryav-Jnana, and Kevala-Jnana (if it has not already arisen). This one-night Bhikshu-Pratima is properly touched, protected, purified, completed, praised, worshipped, and continuously observed with knowledge.