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## Seventh Chapter
**With Hindi Commentary**
Due to being mindful, it will cause violence to the earth-body, therefore it is appropriate to stay in a place according to the *Ahavihi* method, or to leave from there. If there is a suspicion of *Uccar* (excrement) and *Pasavane* (urine) there, then it is not appropriate to hold it back, but it is appropriate to dispose of it in a previously designated *Thandile* (excrement disposal ground). Then, coming back to the same *Uvassayam* (shelter), one should stay there after performing *Kayotsarg* (bodily functions) according to the *Ahavihi* method.
**Original Meaning:** It is not appropriate for a *Pratima-Pratipanna* (a monk who has attained the stage of *Pratima*) to sleep or take a nap called *Prachala* on the earth while being mindful, because the *Kevali* (omniscient) Lord states that this is a cause of *Karma-Bandhan* (bondage of karma). He says that the monk, while sleeping or taking a nap called *Prachala* there, will inevitably touch the earth with his hands, and this will inevitably cause violence. Therefore, one should stay in a place that is free from any fault according to the proper method, or move to another place from there. If there is a suspicion of excrement or urination there, then it is appropriate for him to dispose of them in a previously designated place, and then come back to the same place and perform bodily functions.
**Commentary:** This sutra explains the places where a *Pratima-Pratipanna* (a monk who has attained the stage of *Pratima*) should sleep. It is completely inappropriate for him to sleep lying down, sitting, or standing on the earth while being mindful. Because the *Kevali* (omniscient) Lord says that doing so will inevitably lead to or cause the bondage of karma. When he sleeps or takes a nap called *Prachala* in such a place, his hands will inevitably touch the earth, and this will inevitably lead to the killing of living beings. Therefore, it is appropriate for him to perform bodily functions in a place that is free from any fault according to the proper method. If he has a suspicion of excrement or urine there, he should not hold it back, but should dispose of it in a *Thandile* (excrement disposal ground) that has been previously designated and determined. After that, he should come back to the shelter and perform bodily functions.