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Dasha Shruta Skandha Sutra
Seventh Dasha
There is no fault; because according to the 'Naigam' nay, there are three divisions of the past, future and present. For example, there was ghee in this pot, there will be ghee in this pot and a certain action is taking place. Therefore, it appears that the statement of this sutra is in accordance with the 'Naigam' nay.
The sutrakar says the same thing in the following sutra:
A monk who has taken the vow of a masika (monthly) vow, it is not appropriate for him to sleep or move on the earth without a companion. The Kevali would say, "This is a binding action." If he sleeps or moves, he should touch the ground with his hands. He should stay in his place as per the rules, and leave his place as per the rules. If a sound is heard, it is not appropriate for him to grasp it. It is appropriate for him to place the sound on the previously marked spot. He should come to the same shelter and stay in his place as per the rules.
Word by word meaning: Masika - monthly, Bhikkhu-Padimam - monk who has taken the vow of a masika (monthly) vow, Padivanassa - who has taken the vow, Anantarahitaaye - without a companion, Pudhaviye - on the earth, Niddaayitte va - to sleep, Payalaayitte va - to move, No kappati - it is not appropriate, Kevali booya - the Kevali would say, Aadaanameyam - this is a binding action, Se - he, Tattha - there, Niddaayamaane va - sleeping, Payalaayamaane va - moving, Hatthehi - with his hands, Bhoomi - the ground, Paramusejja - touch, Yathaavidhimeva - as per the rules, Thaane - in his place, Thaayitte - to stay, Nikkhamitte - to leave, Ucchaar-Paasavane - if a sound is heard, Uppattijja - if it arises, No se kappati - it is not appropriate, Uginhitte va - to grasp, Kappati se - it is appropriate for him, Puvva-Padilehie - previously marked, Thandile - spot, Ucchaar-Paasavane - sound, Parithavitte - to place, Tammeva - the same, Uvassayam - shelter, Aagamma - coming to, Yathaavidhi - as per the rules, Thaane - in his place, Thaavitte - to stay.