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Dasha-Shrutskandha Sutra
If a monk who has attained the state of a *pratipanna* is in a dwelling that is being consumed by fire, it is not appropriate for him to leave the dwelling due to the fire or to enter it. If someone were to grab his arms and try to pull him out, it is not appropriate for him to hold onto or lean on that person. It is appropriate for him to walk away according to the rules of *iryasamiti*.
**Word-by-word meaning:**
* *Masian* - monthly
* *Bhikkhu-padimam* - monk-image
* *Padivannassa* - attained (the state of a *pratipanna*)
* *Kei* - someone
* *Uvassayam* - dwelling
* *Agnikaayena* - by fire
* *Jhaamejja* - burns
* *No se kappati* - it is not appropriate
* *Tam* - that (fire)
* *Paduccha* - due to
* *Nikkhamitta* - to leave
* *Pavisitta* - to enter
* *Taththa* - there
* *Kei* - someone
* *Bahaa* - arms
* *Gaahaa* - grabbing
* *Aagasejja* - pulls
* *No se kappati* - it is not appropriate
* *Tam* - that (person)
* *Avalambitta* - to hold onto
* *Palambitta* - to lean on
* *Kappati* - it is appropriate
* *Aharayam* - according to the rules of *iryasamiti*
* *Riyatta* - to walk
If a dwelling where a *pratipanna* monk is staying is consumed by fire, the monk should not leave the dwelling due to the fire or enter it if he is outside. However, if someone were to grab his arms and try to pull him out, it is not appropriate for him to hold onto or lean on that person. Instead, he should walk away according to the rules of *iryasamiti*.
This sutra explains what a *pratipanna* monk should do if the dwelling where he is staying catches fire. If the place where the monk is staying is on fire, he should not leave or enter the dwelling due to the fire.