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## Sixth Chapter
### With Hindi Commentary
When Meghkumar and others were present to receive initiation, the Lord said, "Ahasuhum Devanuppiya Ma Padibandham Kareh" (O beloved of the gods! Do not delay in the act of initiation and other religious duties, as it brings happiness to your soul). However, He did not say that you should first adopt the eleven images of the Shramanopasaka. From these statements, it is clearly understood that these images are the epitome of the householder's dharma. Those Shravakas who do not consider themselves capable of receiving initiation should make their lives successful through these images.
The question arises that no one can follow the rules of the above eleven images nowadays. Because the first image requires alternate fasting, the second requires two, and so on, up to eleven fasts for eleven months. If this is not impossible, it is certainly difficult. In response, it is said that the rules of vows are not mentioned in the Sutras, hence they are not authentic. Just as the Sutras elaborate on other rules, if there were rules for vows, they would have been mentioned in the same way. Therefore, it is proven that the rules of tapas are not authentic because they are not mentioned in the Sutras. However, if an image-bearing devotee wishes to perform tapas in addition to the rules of the image, it is up to their discretion. An image-bearing devotee should strive to follow the rules of their image.
The names of these eleven images are given in the eleventh Samavay of the 'Samavayanga Sutra' as follows:
"Ekkaras Uvasag-Padimao Pannaattao. Tam Jaha - Dansan - Savae; Kay-Vay-Kamme; Samai-a - Kade; Posho-Vvas - Nirae; Diya Bambahyari; Ratti - Pariman - Kade; Diya Vi Rao Vi Bambahyari; Asinai; Viyad - Bhoei; Moli - Kade; Sachitt - Parinnae Aarambh - Parinnae; Pes - Parinnae; Uddiṭṭh - Bhatt - Parinnae; Saman-Bhue Aavi Bhavai Samanau-so."
Darshan-Shravaka; Krit-Vrat-Karma; Krit-Samayika; Poushadhopavas-Nirata; Diwa Brahmachari, Ratrau Pariman-Krit; Divaapi Ratravapi Brahmachari, Asnayi, Diwabhoji, Abaddhaparidhan-Kachchaka; Sachittahar-Parijnataka; Aarambh-Parijnataka; Presya-Parijnataka; Uddiṣṭhabhakt-Parijnataka; Shraman-Bhut-Sadhukalpa, meaning:
A person who follows the rules of the country should adopt as many images as they can.