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## 224
## Dasha-Shruta-Skandha Sutra
It is written: "The meaning of this Sutra is that before the tenth image is received, if any gold or other valuables are deposited in the ground, etc., then the sons, brothers, etc., should be asked if they know about it. If they know, then they should be told. If they do not know, then the income will be cut off. If they do not know, then they should say, 'I do not know anything.' After saying this, they should not be allowed to do any household work. This is the meaning." The meaning has already been explained. In this Sutra, the words 'api' and 'va' are used repeatedly. They are in conjunction or mutual expectation.
## Sixth Dasha
This image is described as lasting from one, two, or three days to ten months. This image actually describes the Jain Vanaprastha. The tenth and eleventh images are also in the form of Jain Vanaprastha.
Now the Sutrakar describes the subject of the eleventh image:
## Ahavaara Ekadasama Uvasaga-Padimaa
**Sava-Dhamma-Rui yaavi bhavathi.** **Jaa uditth-bhattam se nan khur-mundae va lutt-sirae va, gahiyaa-yaar-bhandaga-nevatthe.** **Jaarisae samanaanam nigganthaanam dhamme panatte, tam jaha sammam kaaran phaasemane, paalemane puro jugmaayae pehamane, datthuun tase paane uddhattu paae rieajja, sahattu paae ejja, tirichcham va paayam kattu rieajja, sati parakkamaejja, sanjayaameva parikkamaejja, no ujjuyam gachchejja, kevalam se naapejja-bandha avocchinnne bhavathi.** **Evam se kappathi naay vidhim vaitte.**
## Atha-Apara-Ekadasya-Upasaka-Padimaa
**Sarva-Dharma-Ruchi chaapi bhavathi.** **Yaavaddishta-Bhaktam tasya parijnatam bhavathi.** **Sa cha kshura-mundito va lupta-shirojo va, grihita-achara-bhandaka-naipatthya.** **Yaadrisha shramananam nirgranthanam va dharmah prajnaptah.** **Tadyatha-samyak kayena sprishan, palayan, purato yuga-maatraaya (drishtaya)