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## English Translation:
Dasha-Shruta-Skandha- Sutra
Now the Sutra-kar describes the tenth image:
**The tenth Upasaka-Pratima:**
This Upasaka-Pratima has an interest in all Dharma. He is known for his devotion to the prescribed practices. He may be either shaven-headed or have a topknot. He is capable of speaking two languages, such as saying "I know" when he knows something, and "I don't know" when he doesn't. He practices this type of conduct, being humble, for one day, two days, or three days, and even for ten months. This is the tenth Upasaka-Pratima. ||10||
**Sixth Dasha**
Now, another tenth Upasaka-Pratima. He has an interest in all Dharma. He is known for his devotion to the prescribed practices. He may be either shaven-headed or have a topknot. He is capable of speaking two languages, such as saying "I know" when he knows something, and "I don't know" when he doesn't. He practices this type of conduct, being humble, for one day, two days, or three days, and even for ten months. This is the tenth Upasaka-Pratima. ||10||
**Word-by-Word Meaning:**
Ahavaara - After this, Dasama - tenth, Uvasaga - Upasaka, Padimaa - Pratima, they describe. This Pratima-wala's, Savva-Dhamma-Rui - all-Dharma-related interest, Yavi - which, Bhavati - is. Javi - as long as, Udditt-Bhatte - prescribed-devotion, Tass - his, Parinnaae - abandoned, Bhavati - is. Se - he, Khura-Mundae - shaven-headed, Wa - or, Siha-Dharaye - topknot-wearing, Wa - or. Tass - his, Aabhatthas - when called once, Wa - or, Samaabhatthas - when called repeatedly, Duve - two, Bhasaao - languages, Bhasitte - to speak, Kappanti - are capable. Jaha - like, Jaan - knowing, Wa - or, Jaane - I know, Ajaanan - not knowing, Wa - or, No Jaane - I don't know. Se - he, Eyaaruve - this type of, Vihaare - conduct, Viharmane - practicing, Jahanne - humble, Egaah - one day, Wa - or, Duyaah - two days, Wa - or, Tiyaah - three days, Wa - or, Ukkosen - with excellence, Das Mase - ten months, Viharejja - he practices. Se - this, Dasama - tenth, Uvasaga - Upasaka, Padimaa - Pratima.