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## Sixth Dasha
**With Hindi Commentary**
**All-Dharma-Ruchi** - Interest in all religions. **Jāv** - As long as **Rāovārāyam** - Night and day **Bhambhayārī** - Brahmachari remains. **Sachittāhāre** - With conscious food, his **Pariṇṇā** - Rejection happens. From that, his **Ārambe** - Beginning **Pariṇṇāe** - Recognition happens. But **Pesārambe** - 3 - From others, beginning (agriculture, etc., sinful - full business) causing - his **Aparinṇāe** - Non-recognition happens. From that, he **Eyārūveṇ** - In this way, **Vihāreṇ** - By conduct, **Viharamāṇe** - Wandering, **Jāv** - As long as **Jahannēṇ** - From the lowest, **Egāham** - One day, **Duyaham** - Two days, or **Tiyāham** - Three days, **Jāv** - As long as **Ukkosēṇ** - From the highest, **Aṭṭh Māse** - Eight months, until **Viharejjā** - Wandering, **Tam** - This **Aṭṭhamā** - Eighth **Uvāsag-Paḍimā** - Upasaka - Image, is the **Pratipādan** - Statement.
**Mūlārtha** - After this, the eighth pratima is stated. The one who holds this pratima has interest in all religions. He, as long as night and day, follows the vow of Brahmacharya, abandons conscious food and beginning. But he does not abandon causing others to begin. Wandering in this way, he wanders for at least one, two, or three days, and at most eight months. This is the eighth Upasaka - Pratima.
**Tīkā** - In this sutra, the subject of the eighth Upasaka - Pratima is stated. The person entering this pratima follows all the rules from the first pratima to the seventh pratima without deviation. He especially remains a Brahmachari always and completely. Although he does not himself do agriculture and business, etc., he is not prohibited from causing others to do it. Therefore, he causes others to do these things for livelihood, he himself never engages in them.
Here, the question arises: When he causes other people to do agriculture, etc., does he not incur sin? In answer, it is said that there are three ways to commit sinful karma - doing, causing, and giving permission for sinful karma. Here, the rule is to not do sinful karma oneself. The remaining two karmas are not rules for him, but their sin certainly accrues to him.