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## 218
## Dasha Shruta Skandha Sutra
## Sixth Dasha
He observes the **niratichar** (non-transgression). He particularly observes **brahmacharya** (celibacy) during the night and day. "**Raovarayam** (**Rauvaratti**m) or **Bhambhayari** - night, **Apigata Ratri** - night, **Aparatro** - day, **Ratri** and **Aparatra** - **Rajya Paratra** (the time between night and day), he observes **brahmacharya** in these. In addition to this, he also abandons **Sachitta Ahar** (food with attachment), meaning he only consumes food and water. However, he has not abandoned **Aaramh** (agriculture and other sinful businesses) - doing, causing to be done, and giving permission in this matter. Therefore, **Aaramh** is considered **Aparijnat** (unknown) for him.
The duration of this **Pratima** (image) is at least one, two, or three months, and at most seven months. For the duration between the lowest and the highest, the inquisitive should consider it themselves.
Now the Sutrakar (author of the sutra) speaks about the eighth **Pratima**:
**Ahavra Atthama Uvasag-Padima. Savva-Dhamm-Rui Yavi Bhavati. Jav Raovarayam Bhambhayari. Sachittahare Se Parinaae Bhavati. Aaramhe Se Parinnaae Bhavati. Pesaramhe Aparinnaae Bhavati. Se Nam Eyaruveen Vihaareen Vihar-Maane Jav Jahanneen Egaham Duyaham Tiyaham Va Jav Ukkosen Att Maase Viharejja. Se Tam Atthama Uvasag-Padima.** || 7 ||
**Atha Aparastamya Upasak-Pratima. Sarva-Dharma-Ruchi Chapi Bhavati. Yavad Ratryaparatra Brahmachari. Sachittaharas Tasya Parijnato Bhavati. Aaramhas Tasya Parijnato Bhavati. Presyarambho Aparijnatho Bhavati. Sa Chaitadrupena Vihaarena Viharan Yavajjghanenaiakahm Dwayahm Tryahm Va Yavadutkarshena Ast Masan Viharate. Seyam Astamyupasak-Pratima.** || 7 ||
**Padarthanvaya**: **Ahavra** - after this, **Atthama** - eighth, **Uvasag-Padima** - **Upasak-Pratima** is described. The one who accepts this **Pratima**...